Upcoming CLIAC Meeting


The scientific and technical advice and guidance CLIAC provides to HHS pertains to general issues related to improvement in clinical laboratory quality and laboratory medicine practice. In addition, the Committee provides advice and guidance on specific questions related to possible revision of the CLIA standards.

Nov 6, 2024

11:00 AM - 5:00 PM ET

Nov 7, 2024

11:00 AM - 5:00 PM ET

Zoom Virtual Meeting


The November 6-7, 2024 CLIAC meeting agenda will include CLIA program updates from the CDC, CMS, and FDA. Presentations and CLIAC discussions will focus on reports from two CLIAC workgroups, the Biosafety Workgroup and the Next Generation Sequencing Workgroup; cybersecurity requirements in the clinical laboratory; the determination of clinically relevant range of values for proficiency testing samples; and the utilization of remote technology for competency assessments. Agenda items are subject to change as priorities dictate.

Please visit this page prior to and during the meeting to access information as it becomes available, such as updated agendas, presentations, and handouts. Public comments can also be submitted in advance of the meeting for consideration by the Committee.

Participant information

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Zoom Information

Please click this URL to join: https://cdc.zoomgov.com/j/1609399541?pwd=N1d3endFRElaNWdrU0hnWENiY2lwQT09

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Passcode: 76605453

Provide comments

It is the policy of CLIAC to accept written public comments and provide a brief period for oral public comments pertinent to agenda items. Public comment periods for each agenda item are scheduled immediately prior to the Committee discussion period for that item.

Oral comments

In general, each individual or group requesting to present an oral comment will be limited to a total time of five minutes (unless otherwise indicated). If you want to make an oral comment during the meeting, email CLIAC@cdc.gov at least five business days prior to the meeting date. All comments will be included in the meeting Summary Report posted on this website.

Written comments

For individuals or groups unable to attend the meeting, CLIAC accepts written comments up to the first day of the meeting. However, it is requested that comments be submitted at least five business days prior to the meeting date so that the comments are available to the Committee for their consideration and public distribution on the CLIAC website. Email comments to CLIAC@cdc.gov or mail comments to the address below. Written comments will be included in the meeting Summary Report posted on this website.

Attention: CLIAC Secretariat
1600 Clifton Road NE
Mailstop H24-2
Atlanta, GA 30333