Chronic Wasting Disease has spread to more than half of the states in the continental United States since it was first identified in wild deer in 1981. CDC and state public health authorities track where cases have occurred. With awareness of where cases are reported, people who live or hunt in those areas can take steps to protect themselves from infected animals.

CWD among free-ranging animals by county
As of August 2024, Chronic Wasting Disease has been reported in 35 states in the United States. Cases have occurred in in all four regions of the country (West, Midwest, South, Northeast). Animals affected include free-ranging deer, elk, reindeer and moose.
In addition, CWD has been reported in reindeer and/or moose in four Canadian provinces, Norway, Finland and Sweden. A small number of cases have also been imported into South Korea. The disease has also been found in farmed deer and elk.
CWD was identified in captive deer in Colorado in the late 1960s and wild deer in 1981. It spread more widely in Colorado and southern Wyoming in the 1990s. CWD has been found in many other areas since 2000. CDC expects the disease to continue to spread in the continental United States.
It is possible that CWD may also occur in other states but cases haven't been detected yet. Once CWD is established in an area, the CWD proteins (prions) stay in the soil and water for years.
Counties (by state)
- Lauderdale
- Boone
- Benton
- Carroll
- Craighead
- Crawford
- Franklin
- Independence
- Johnson
- Logan
- Madison
- Marion
- Newton
- Pope
- Randolph
- Searcy
- Sebastian
- Scott
- Union
- Van Buren
- Washington
- Inyo
- Madera
- Adams
- Boulder
- Delta
- Douglas
- Eagle
- El Paso
- Garfield
- Grand
- Jackson
- Jefferson
- Kit Carson
- Larimer
- Logan
- Mesa
- Moffatt
- Montrose
- Morgan
- Park
- Phillips
- Pueblo
- Rio Blanco
- Routt
- Sedgwick
- Summit
- Weld
- Yuma
- Washington
- Holmes
- Adams
- Idaho
- Boone
- Carroll
- Cook
- Dekalb
- DuPage
- Ford
- Grundy
- Jo Daviess
- Kane
- Kankakee
- Kendall
- Lake
- LaSalle
- Lee
- Livingston
- McHenry
- Ogle
- Stephenson
- Will
- Winnebago
- LaGrange
- Allamakee
- Appanoose
- Clayton
- Decatur
- Des Moines
- Dubuque
- Fayette
- Fremont
- Greene
- Grundy
- Guthrie
- Howard
- Jackson
- Jasper
- Jones
- Lucas
- Marshall
- Monroe
- Muscatine
- Tama
- Wayne
- Winneshiek
- Woodbury
- Cheyenne
- Barton
- Bourbon
- Butler
- Cowley
- Decatur
- Edwards
- Ellis
- Finney
- Ford
- Franklin
- Graham
- Gray
- Gove
- Hamilton
- Haskell
- Hodgeman
- Jackson
- Jewell
- Kearny
- Kingman
- Lane
- Logan
- Meade
- Mitchell
- Ness
- Norton
- Osborne
- Pawnee
- Pratt
- Phillips
- Rawlins
- Reno
- Rooks
- Rush
- Russell
- Scott
- Seward
- Sheridan
- Sherman
- Smith
- Stafford
- Sumner
- Thomas
- Trego
- Wabaunsee
- Wallace
- Washington
- Woodson
- Ballard
- Tensas
- Allegany
- Baltimore
- Montgomery
- Washington
- Clinton
- Dickinson
- Eaton
- Gratiot
- Ingham
- Ionia
- Jackson
- Kent
- Midland
- Montcalm
- Ogemaw
- Beltrami
- Crow Wing
- Dakota
- Fillmore
- Houston
- Olmsted
- Polk
- Wabasha
- Winona
- Alcorn
- Benton
- Claiborne
- DeSoto
- Harrison
- Issaquena
- Lafayette
- Marshall
- Panola
- Pontotoc
- Tallahatchie
- Tate
- Tippah
- Tishomingo
- Tunica
- Warren
- Adair
- Barry
- Barton
- Carroll
- Cedar
- Chariton
- Christian
- Clair
- Clark
- Cole
- Crawford
- Dallas
- Franklin
- Gasconade
- Genevieve
- Grundy
- Hickory
- Howell
- Jasper
- Jefferson
- Linn
- Livingston
- Macon
- Maries
- Mercer
- Oregon
- Osage
- Perry
- Polk
- Putnam
- Pulaski
- Randolph
- Ray
- Scotland
- St. Francois
- Stone
- Sullivan
- Taney
- Washington
- Beaverhead
- Big Horn
- Blaine
- Carbon
- Cascade
- Custer
- Daniels
- Fallon
- Gallatin
- Glacier
- Hill
- Liberty
- Lincoln
- Madison
- McCone
- Park
- Phillips
- Powder River
- Powell
- Prairie
- Rosebud
- Sheridan
- Treasure
- Valley
- Yellowstone
- Arthur
- Banner
- Boone
- Box Butte
- Buffalo
- Cass
- Chase
- Cherry
- Cheyenne
- Custer
- Dawes
- Deuel
- Dundy
- Franklin
- Frontier
- Furnas
- Garden
- Grant
- Hall
- Harlan
- Hayes
- Hitchcock
- Holt
- Hooker
- Howard
- Keith
- Keya Paha
- Kimball
- Lincoln
- Lancaster
- Loup
- Morrill
- Nance
- Phelps
- Polk
- Red Willow
- Saline
- Scotts Bluff
- Sheridan
- Sioux
- Thayer
- Valley
- Webster
- Dona Ana
- Otero
- Socorro
- Oneida
- Cumberland
- Franklin
- Johnston
- Stokes
- Surry
- Wilkes
- Yadkin
- Adams
- Bottineau
- Grant
- Divide
- McKenzie
- Sioux
- Williams
- Allen
- Hardin
- Marion
- Wyandot
- Texas
- Woodward
- Blair
- Bedford
- Cambria
- Clearfield
- Dauphin
- Franklin
- Fulton
- Huntingdon
- Indiana
- Jefferson
- Juniata
- Perry
- Snyder
- Somerset
- Westmoreland
- Bennett
- Buffalo
- Butte
- Corson
- Custer
- Fall River
- Haakon
- Harding
- Jackson
- Lawrence
- Lyman
- Meade
- Mellette
- Pennington
- Perkins
- Stanley
- Sully
- Tripp
- Union
- Ziebach
- Chester
- Crockett
- Dyer
- Fayette
- Gibson
- Hardeman
- Hardin
- Haywood
- Henderson
- Henry
- Lauderdale
- Lewis
- Madison
- McNairy
- Shelby
- Tipton
- Weakley
- Bexar
- Coleman
- Dallam
- El Paso
- Hartley
- Hudspeth
- Lubbock
- Medina
- Val Verde
- Carbon
- Daggett
- Davis
- Grand
- San Juan
- Sanpete
- Uintah
- Utah
- Salt Lake
- Carroll
- Clarke
- Culpepper
- Fairfax
- Fauquier
- Floyd
- Frederick
- Loudoun
- Madison
- Montgomery
- Pulaski
- Rappahannock
- Shenandoah
- Tazewell
- Warren
- Spokane
- Berkeley
- Hampshire
- Hardy
- Mineral
- Morgan
- Adams
- Buffalo
- Crawford
- Columbia
- Dane
- Dodge
- Dunn
- Eau Claire
- Grant
- Green
- Green Lake
- Fond du Lac
- Iowa
- Jackson
- Jefferson
- Juneau
- Kenosha
- Lafayette
- Lincoln
- Marathon
- Marquette
- Milwaukee
- Monroe
- Oconto
- Oneida
- Polk
- Portage
- Racine
- Richland
- Rock
- Sauk
- Shawano
- Sheboygan
- Trempealeau
- Vernon
- Vilas
- Walworth
- Washburn
- Washington
- Waukesha
- Waupaca
- Winnebago
- Wood
- Albany
- Big Horn
- Campbell
- Carbon
- Converse
- Crook
- Fremont
- Goshen
- Hot Springs
- Johnson
- Laramie
- Lincoln
- Natrona
- Niobrara
- Park
- Platte
- Sheridan
- Sublette
- Sweetwater
- Teton
- Washakie
- Weston