Fentanyl Analog Screening Kits (FAS) and Emergent Panels

At a glance

The FAS Kit and its four additional emergent panels contain reference materials that support laboratory screening for 250 synthetic opioids, including over 210 fentanyl analogs.

FAS Kits

FAS, FAS V1-V4 Kits

Compounds in the FAS Kit and Emergent Panels

Additional product information

  • Includes 200 micrograms of each compound
  • Provides largest collection of available fentanyl analog reference materials
  • Improves immunoassay and mass spectrometry screening methods
  • Includes structural variability for fentanyl analog cross-reactivity and method validation

Safety Data Sheets, Certificates of Analyses, and Other Product-Specific Documents

Request the FAS Kit and Emergent Panels

Laboratories are asked to acknowledge the use of the Traceable Opioid Material® Kits in presentations, publications, reports, and other communications by using the following citation: "Laboratory findings were made possible, in part, by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's design and support of Traceable Opioid Material® Kits."

High-Resolution Mass Spectral Libraries for Opioid Analysis