Emergent Drug Panel (EDP) Kits

At a glance

The Emergent Drug Panel (EDP) kits include reference materials that support laboratory screening for additional emerging drugs of abuse that may be found in fentanyl-containing samples.

FAS Kits

EDP, EDP-Version 1 (EDP-V1), and EDP-Internal Standard (EDP-IS) Kits

The EDP and EDP-V1 Kits contain reference materials that support laboratory screening for 80 emergent synthetic opioids, benzodiazepines, stimulants, hallucinogens, synthetic cannabinoids, and xylazine. The new EDP-Internal Standard (EDP-IS) kit contains 24 isotopically labeled internal standards corresponding to the most prevalent compounds contained in the EDP and FAS Kit panels.

Compounds in the EDP, EDP-V1, and EDP-IS Kits

Additional product information

  • EDP and EDP-V1 Kits include 200 micrograms of each compound
  • The EDP-IS Kit includes 200 micrograms of each isotopically labeled compound in a 2 mg/mL solution
  • Includes the most prevalent compounds identified on Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Emerging Threat Reports and The Center for Forensic Science Research and Education (CFSRE) Scope and Trend Reports (2019-2022)
  • Improves immunoassay and mass spectrometry screening methods

Safety Data Sheets, Certificates of Analyses, and Other Product-Specific Documents

Request the EDP, EDP-V1, and EDP-IS Kits

Laboratories are asked to acknowledge the use of the Traceable Opioid Material® Kits in presentations, publications, reports, and other communications by using the following citation: "Laboratory findings were made possible, in part, by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's design and support of Traceable Opioid Material® Kits."

Fentanyl Analog Screening Kits (FAS) and Emergent Panels