What to know
Women from across the country have shared their personal screening and survivor stories. Their firsthand accounts offer important lessons for other women.

If you have questions, ask them so you can take control of your health.
I want everyone to know how important screenings are.
Women need to adopt a mindset that we are making ourselves a priority.
Listen to your body and ask your doctor about cancer screening tests.
In my experience with cancer, I learned to listen to my body and advocate for myself.
Always listen to that inner voice. If you feel like something is not right, get it checked.
Cancer has changed my entire life and how I appreciate and look at everything around me.
I was scared and angry when I received my diagnosis, but I decided to face it head on.
Don’t miss your chance to prevent cancer. Vaccinate yourself and your children.
I’ve been thrown some difficult challenges, but I will never give up!