Sharing Your Success with AMIGAS

What to know

It is important to share your accomplishments.


We have shared some ideas for how to use evaluation results to improve your AMIGAS program. It is also important to share your accomplishments with your community health workers, as well as with others in your organization and community, because:

  • Community health workers want to know that their work is helping women get screened for cervical cancer. It may increase their feelings of accomplishment and their commitment to AMIGAS and your organization.
  • Your organizational leaders and other staff will feel happy to know that they are part of something that is making a difference for women. And when they are proud, they may be more likely to encourage women to participate. They may also be more likely to continue or expand AMIGAS.
  • When the community becomes aware of the good work you are doing, it can increase the reputation and standing of your AMIGAS program and organization in the community. If community leaders have helped you plan or implement AMIGAS, sharing your accomplishments will show your accountability to the community.

How to share your success

To share your evaluation findings, you can use word of mouth or in more formal ways. Formal channels for communicating your successes include community meetings and conferences; briefings, reports, and publications; and program websites. For example, people who fund your program may want to read a formal report on how you have made AMIGAS successful in your community. Community members may want to hear directly from participants and community health workers at community meetings or on traditional or social media.

Consider using social media to reach members of the community. Using mass media to communicate positive evaluation findings can help continue or expand AMIGAS.

Don't forget to take time to celebrate your accomplishments. You have worked hard and deserve recognition. Your dedication to saving lives is something to honor and celebrate!