AMIGAS Handout

What to know

The AMIGAS handout is an information sheet that explains the primary messages that are part of AMIGAS.

How to use the AMIGAS handout

Community health workers can give women a copy of the handout at the end of an AMIGAS session. The handout will help women remember the information you shared with them. It will also be useful for women to use to share with their friends and family about cervical cancer and cervical cancer screening.

Download the AMIGAS handout.

Other brochures and fact sheets

Community health workers can give women copies of, or links to, other brochures and fact sheets at the end of each session. Having them will help women remember the information you shared with them. They will also be useful tools for women to use in talking with their friends and family about Pap tests, HPV tests, HPV, and cervical cancer.

You may need to download or order brochures in advance. Brochures are available from organizations at no cost, while others charge a fee. Some brochures you may want to consider include:

AMIGAS Handout
AMIGAS Handout
Keep Reading: AMIGAS Tool Box