Food Safety Modernization Act Surveillance Working Group


The Food Safety Modernization Act of 2010 (FSMA), signed into law on January 4, 2011, authorized the CDC to create a diverse working group of experts and stakeholders to provide routine and ongoing guidance to improve foodborne illness surveillance systems in the United States. Accordingly, in fiscal year (FY) 2012, CDC established a FSMA Surveillance Working Group (FSMA SWG) under the Board of Scientific Counselors, Infectious Diseases (BSC ID), a federal advisory committee. FSMA also required this working group to provide an annual report to the Secretary of Health and Human Services, through the BSC ID, with advice and recommendations regarding the improvement of foodborne illness surveillance.

Members as of December 2022

BSC ID Representative Members

Virginia Caine, MD (Chair)

Director and Chief Medical Officer

Marion County Public Health Department

Lauren Meyers, PhD

Cooley Centennial Professor

Departments of Integrative Biology and Statistics & Data Sciences

The University of Texas

James LeDuc, PhD, MSPH

Adjunct Professor

Department of Microbiology and Immunology

University of Texas Medical Branch

Federal Partners

Stic Harris, DVM, MPH

U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Denise R. Eblen, Ph.D.

U.S. Department of Agriculture

Food Safety and Inspection Services

Jennifer Trodden

National Association of State Health Departments

Denise M. Toney, PhD, HCLD (ABB)

Association of Public Health Laboratories

Michele DiMaggio, REHS

National Environmental Health Association

Carlota Medus, PhD, MPH

Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists

Ernest M. Julian, PhD

Association of Food and Drug Officials

Clifford S. Mitchell, MS, MD, MPH

Association of State and Territorial Health Officials

Douglas Dyer, MS, RS

National Association of County and City Health Officials

Consumer Partners

Sarah Sorscher, JD, MPH

Center for Science in the Public Interest

Kyle Kinner

The Pew Charitable Trusts

Natalie Dyenson, MPH

Dole Food Company, Inc.

Michael J. Roberson, MS, CFS, CP-FS

Publix Super Markets, Inc.

Rosalind Zils

8th Avenue Food and Provisions

Academic Partners

Jeffrey B. Bender, DVM, MS

University of Minnesota

Francisco Diez-Gonzales, Ph.D.

University of Georgia

Janet Baseman, Ph.D., MPH

University of Washington