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Summary Matrix of Calculated Variables (CV) in the 2010 Data File

Summary Matrix of Calculated Variables

Description or Result
of Calculation
Input Variables
(From Questionnaire)
Description of Field and
SAS Variable Name
Output Variables
(In Final Data Set)
Section 1: Health Status
CV for fair or poor general health GENHLTH _RFHLTH
Section 3: Health Care Access
CV for respondents aged 18-64 years that have any form of health care coverage HLTHPLAN _HCVU65
Section 5: Exercise
CV for no leisure time physical activity EXERANY2 _TOTINDA
Section 7: Oral Health
CV for having had permanent teeth extracted RMVTETH3 _EXTETH2
CV for having had all permanent teeth extracted AGE, RMVTETH3 _ALTETH2
CV for having visited a dentist, dental hygienist, or dental clinic within the past year LASTDEN3, DENCLEAN _DENVST1
Section 9: Asthma
CV for lifetime asthma prevalence ASTHMA2 _LTASTHM
CV for current asthma prevalence ASTHMA2, ASTHNOW _CASTHMA
Computed asthma status ASTHMA2, ASTHNOW _ASTHMST
Section 11: Tobacco Use
Smoking Status: Everyday smoker, someday smoker, former smoker and non smoker SMOKE100, SMOKDAY2 _SMOKER3
CV for current smoking status SMOKE100, SMOKDAY2 _SMOKER3 _RFSMOK3
Section 12: Demographics
Reported MRACE with trailing 7,8,9’s removed MRACE MRACEORG
Reported MRACE with trailing 7,8,9’s removed in ascending order MRACE MRACEORG MRACEASC
Multiracial Race categorization MRACE MRACEORG, MRACEASC _MRACE
Race/Hispanic ethnicity combination code MRACE, HISPANC2 MRACEORG, MRACEASC, _MRACE RACE2
White, non-Hispanic and non-White or Hispanic race/ethnicity groupings. MRACE, HISPANC2 MRACEORG, MRACEASC, _MRACE, RACE2 _RACEG2
Hispanic and non-Hispanic White, Black, and Other race/ethnicity groupings. MRACE, HISPANC2 MRACEORG, MRACEASC, _MRACE, RACE2 _RACEGR2
Hispanic and non-Hispanic White, Black, and Other race/ethnicity groupings. MRACE, HISPANC2 MRACEORG, MRACEASC, _MRACE, RACE2, _RACEGR2 _RACE_G
Number of Census Race Categories Chosen MRACE MRACEORG, MRACEASC _CNRACE
Number of Census Race Categories Chosen, Collapsed MRACE MRACEORG, MRACEASC, _CNRACE _CNRACEC
18-24 and then 5-year age groupings to 80+. AGE _AGEG5YR
18-64 and 65+ age groupings. AGE _AGE65YR
18-64 and 65+ 10 year age groupings. AGE _IMPAGE _AGE_G
Height in inches HEIGHT3 HTIN3
Calculated height in meters HEIGHT3 HTIN3 HTM3
Calculated weight in kilograms WEIGHT2 WTKG2
Calculated Body Mass Index SEX, WEIGHT2, HEIGHT3 HTIN3, HTM3, WTKG2 _BMI4
Tri-level weight variable (normal, overweight, obese) based on Body Mass Index SEX, WEIGHT2, HEIGHT3 HTIN3, HTM3, WTKG2, _BMI4 _BMI4CAT
CV for Overweight or Obese Body Mass Index level SEX, WEIGHT2, HEIGHT3 HTIN3, HTM3, WTKG2, _BMI4 _RFBMI4
Calculated number of children in household CHILDREN _CHLDCNT
Calculated education level completed EDUCA _EDUCAG
Calculated income categories INCOME2 _INCOMG
Section 13: Alcohol Consumption
Drink occasions per day ALCDAY4 DROCDY2_
CV for BINGE drinking (GE 5 drinks on an occasion) ALCDAY4, DRNK3GE5 _RFBING4
Number of Drinks of Alcohol per day ALCDAY4, AVEDRNK DROCDY2_ _DRNKDY3
Number of Drinks of Alcohol per month ALCDAY4, AVEDRNK DROCDY2_, _DRNKDY3 _DRNKMO3
CV for HEAVY drinking (GT 2 drinks per day for men, GT 1 drink per day for women) SEX, ALCDAY4, AVEDRNK _DRNKDY3 _RFDRHV3
CV for HEAVY drinking in men (GT 2 drinks per day) SEX, ALCDAY4, AVEDRNK _DRNKDY3 _RFDRMN3
CV for HEAVY drinking in women (GT 1 drink per day) SEX, ALCDAY4, AVEDRNK _DRNKDY3 _RFDRWM3
Section 14: Immunization
CV for respondent aged 65 and older that have ever had a pneumonia vaccine PNEUVAC3 _PNEUMO2
Section 16: Seatbelt Use
CV for Always/Nearly Always wear seatbelt SEATBELT _RFSEAT2
Section 18: Women´s Health
CV for women age 40 and older that have not had a mammogram in past 2 years HADMAMM, HOWLONG, SEX, AGE _RFMAM2Y
CV for women age 50 and older that have not had a mammogram in past 2 years HADMAMM, HOWLONG, SEX, AGE _MAM502Y
CV for women age 18 and older, with intact cervix, that have not had a pap smear with the past 3 years HADPAP2, LASTPAP2, HADHYST2, PREGNANT, SEX, AGE _RFPAP32
Section 19: Prostate Cancer Screening
CV for men age 40 and older that have not had a PSA test within the past 2 years PSATEST, PSATIME, SEX, AGE _RFPSA2Y
Section 20: Colorectal Cancer Screening
CV for age 50 and older that have never had sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy HADSIGM3, AGE _RFSIGM2
Section 21: HIV/AIDS
CV for age 18-64 that have ever been tested for HIV HIVTST4, AGE _AIDTST2