National ALS Registry Dashboard

ALS Dashboard
Estimated living persons/cases (≥18 years) with ALS in the United States in 2018 (Prevalence1)*
Map of the US with number 24,821 mean (average)
Cases by race and gender, 2014-2016
Year 2018
Characteristic Estimated No. cases*
Total 29,824
 Male 16,821
 Female 14,506
 White 22,374
 Black 1,918
 Other 1,801

*Not all data are displayed.

crc numbers

*Approximately 5% of the total number of definite cases are in both the web portal and administrative databases.

Estimated new persons/cases (≥18 years) with ALS in the United States during 2014-2016 (Incidence2)
Map of USA with number 4,861
Cases by race and gender, 2014-2016
Year 2014 2015 2016
Characteristic Estimated  No. (%) cases Estimated No. (%) cases Estimated No. (%) cases
Total 5,695 6,045 4,861
 Male 3,088 (54.2) 3,174 (52.5) 3,119 (64.2)
 Female 2,178 (38.2) 2,708 (44.8) 1,740 (35.8)
 Unknown 429 (7.5) 163 (2.7) 2 (0.0)
 White 4,727 (83.0) 4,962 (82.1) 3,733 (76.8)
 Black 333 (5.8) 365 (6.0) 335 (6.9)
 Other 254 (4.5) 325 (5.4) 224 (4.6)
 Unknown 381 (6.7) 393 (6.5) 569 (11.7)

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1 Prevalence: is the proportion of people with a particular disease during a given time period. Calendar year 2018 is the most current prevalence data available at this time.

2 Incidence: the rate of new cases of a disease occurring in a specific population over a particular period of time. Calendar years 2014 – 2016 are the most current incidence data available at this time.

3 This does not include studies from the Temple University ALS Postmortem Core Tissue Core.

Note: Cases come from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), the Veterans Health Administration (VHA), Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA), & self-enrollment portal. These data, except for those in the portal, are requested by the Registry when available, but lags persist due to processing times for CMS and VHA/VBA.

Note: Statistics current as of 9/1/2023.