Association of environmental toxins with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Affiliates Feng-Chiao Su [1], Stephen A. Goutman [2], Sergey Chernyak [1], Bhramar Mukherjee [3], Brian C. Callaghan [2], Stuart Batterman [1], Eva L. Feldman [2,4]


[1] Department of Environmental Health Sciences, University of Michigan
[2] Department of Neurology, University of Michigan
[3] Department of Biostatistics, University of Michigan
[4] A. Alfred Taubman Medical Research Institute, University of Michigan

Journal JAMA Neurology
Summary This study aims to evaluate the association of occupational exposures and environmental toxins on the odds of developing ALS in Michigan. Multivariable models with self-reported occupational exposures in various exposure time windows and environmental toxin blood concentrations were separately fit by logistic regression models. Concordance between the survey data and pollutant measurements was assessed using the nonparametric Kendall τ correlation coefficient. This study found significant associations with several persistent environmental pollutants (measured via blood) and ALS.
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