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Use of Menthol-Flavored Tobacco Products Among US Middle and High School Students: National Youth Tobacco Survey, 2022



Use of menthol-flavored tobacco products, by current type of tobacco product used, among middle and high school students who currently used flavored tobacco products (N = 2,020), National Youth Tobacco Survey, United States, 2022.

Use of menthol-flavored tobacco products, by current type of tobacco product used, among middle and high school students who currently used flavored tobacco products (N = 2,020), National Youth Tobacco Survey, United States, 2022.
Type of menthol-flavored tobacco product Menthol tobacco use, by product, %
Any product 39.5%
E-cigarettes only 30.6%
Combustible tobacco products only 29.6%
Combination of product types 53.9%

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