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SNAP Emergency Allotments, Emergency Rent Assistance, Rent Burden, and Housing and Food Security, June 2022–May 2023



Weighted percentage of respondents who reported being food sufficient and current on rent payments, by survey cycle, US Census Bureau Household Pulse Survey Releases 46–57, June 2022–May 2023.

Weighted percentage of respondents who reported being food sufficient and current on rent payments, by survey cycle, US Census Bureau Household Pulse Survey Releases 46–57, June 2022–May 2023.
Survey cycle Food sufficient Current on rent
46 69.2 79.9
47 67.5 76.8
48 68.7 77.6
49 71.0 82.5
50 67.2 81.6
51 70.0 81.3
52 71.5 82.1
53 72.4 83.0
54 65.6 78.8
55 71.6 81.1
56 70.1 80.7
57 66.4 80.0

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