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Farm to Work: Development of a Modified Community-Supported Agriculture Model at Worksites, 2007–2012


Figure. Trends in total number of baskets delivered by month, Texas Worksites, November 2007 through December 2012. Shading denotes seasons.

Month No. of Baskets Delivered
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total
January 0 428 746 424 871 442 2,911
February 0 223 670 373 284 611 2,161
March 0 262 780 410 639 496 2,587
April 0 679 906 590 627 1,306 4,108
May 0 1,363 801 666 1,123 2,077 6,030
June 0 1,033 555 875 1,397 1,244 5,104
July 0 841 903 796 913 886 4,339
August 0 466 360 633 575 971 3,005
September 0 458 321 393 278 254 1,704
October 0 511 343 250 317 682 2,103
November 571 407 435 206 485 446 2,550
December 281 441 378 151 220 271 1,742
Total 852 7,112 7,198 5,767 7,729 9,686 38,344

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