7: No. 5, September 2010
Suggested citation for this article: Can incentives
improve population health? An interview with Bridget Booske,
PhD. Prev Chronic Dis 2010;7(5):A91.
http://www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2010/sep/10_0182.htm. Accessed [date].
Bridget Booske is the project director of County Health Rankings and
deputy director of its parent project, Mobilizing Action Toward Community Health
(MATCH), funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. She also directs the
Making Wisconsin the Healthiest State project, a research and translation effort funded by the Wisconsin Partnership Program, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. In this interview, Dr. Booske gives an overview of the MATCH articles in the September 2010 issue of
Preventing Chronic Disease and talks briefly about the role of incentives in public health.
Can Incentives Improve Population Health? (MP3–8Mb)
[A transcript of this interview is also