Volume 4: No. 1, January 2007
With Thanks and Appreciation
Suggested citation for this article: Lengerich EJ, Bohland JR, Brown PK, Dignan MB,
Kluhsman BC, Paskett ED, et al. With thanks and appreciation. Prev Chronic Dis [serial online] 2007 Jan [date cited]. Available from: http://www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2007/ jan/06_0125.htm.
To the Editor:
On behalf of fellow contributors to the journal, we would like to thank you for choosing Appalachian health as the theme for the October
2006 issue of Preventing Chronic Disease. We appreciate your willingness to call attention to this persistent disparity in chronic disease, including cancer. This health disparity is unlike any other because it is defined by geography and interwoven with culture, socioeconomic position, and stereotypical image. In particular, we appreciate the professionalism your staff used in addressing this topic and in editing this issue throughout its
full development.
We were particularly saddened to hear of the recent and sudden death of Barbara A. Mortimer, PhD, who worked tirelessly on the Appalachian issue. From our perspectives as authors and investigators, her professionalism made our job much easier.
She not only added clarity to our writing but also helped bring much-needed attention to this important health disparity. She will be missed.
Eugene J. Lengerich, VMD, MS
The Pennsylvania State University
Health Evaluation Sciences
Hershey, Pa
James R. Bohland, PhD
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Institute for Community Health
Blacksburg, Va
Pamela K. Brown, MPA
West Virginia University
Mary Babb Randolph Cancer Center
Morgantown, WVa
Mark B. Dignan, PhD, MPH
University of Kentucky
Markey Cancer Center
Lexington, Ky
Brenda C. Kluhsman, MSS
The Pennsylvania State University
Health Evaluation Sciences
Hershey, Pa
Electra D. Paskett, PhD
The Ohio State University
Comprehensive Cancer Center
Columbus, Ohio
Nancy E. Schoenberg, PhD
University of Kentucky
Department of Behavioral Science
Lexington, Ky
Stephen W. Wyatt, DMD, MPH
University of Kentucky
College of Public Health
Lexington, Ky
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