File Formats used on

File Formats used on

Plugin Descriptions Below are the required icons for use with the Template Package.

Adobe Acrobat Reader

Adobe Acrobat Reader (PDF)

Description: Adobe Acrobat Reader is a program that allows users to view files in Portable Document Format (PDF). PDF is a universal file format that preserves the appearance of the original document. PDF files can be easily printed but not easily modified. Several documents throughout this Web site are available in PDF. These files contain complex documents with graphs, images, and special text that cannot be presented easily through the typical Web browser. The creator of this file format, Adobe® Systems, offers a free viewer so that you can view any PDF file.
File extensions: .pdf
Viewing: If you do not already have Adobe Acrobat, you can download Acrobat Reader for free.

Audio/Video Files

Description: Audio and video files used on the site are commonly formatted at MP3, MP4, or WMV files (e.g. Podcasts, CDC-TV). These audio and video files and others such as MPEG, AVI, and WAV) must use the generic audio/video icon.
File extensions: .avi (audio), .mp3 (audio), .wav (audio), .wma (audio), .mpeg (video), .wmv (video), .mpg (video), .webm (video), .ogg (container), .ogy (container)


ePub file format

Description: An electronic book or ePub is a book-length publication in digital form, consisting of text, images, or both, readable on computers or other electronic devices.
File extensions: .epub
Viewing: Using Apple iBooks, Amazon Kindle devices, and many other ebook reading devices.

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel

Description: Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program used to calculate, analyze, and store data. Text in Excel files can be easily modified or copied for use in other applications.
File extensions: .xls, .xlsx, .csv
Viewing: If you do not already have Excel, you can download Excel Viewer for free.

Microsoft PowerPoint

Microsoft PowerPoint

Description: Microsoft PowerPoint is a program for creating and viewing presentations and slide shows.
File extensions: .ppt, .pptx
Viewing: If you do not already have PowerPoint, you can download PowerPoint Viewer for free.

Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word

Description: Microsoft Word is a word processing program used to create and edit text documents. Text in Word documents can be easily modified or copied for use in other applications.
File extensions: .doc, .docx, .rtf
Viewing: If you do not already have Word, you can download Word Viewer for free.



Description: QuickTime is a program for viewing and listening to audio and video files (including live broadcasts).
File extensions: .mov, .qt, .mp4
Viewing/listening: If you do not already have QuickTime, you can download QuickTime for free.

RealOne Player


Description: RealPlayer is a program for viewing and listening to audio and video files (including live broadcasts).
File extensions: .ra, .ram, .rm
Viewing/listening: If you do not already have RealPlayer, you can download RealPlayer for free. (Select “Download Free RealPlayer” on the right side of the page.)

RIS file format

RIS file format

Description: The RIS file format is a text file containing bibliographic citations. These files are best suited for import into bibliographic management applications such as EndNote®, Reference Manager®, and ProCite®.
Viewing: A free trial download is available at each application’s web site.

SAS Universal Viewer

SAS Universal Viewer

Description: The SAS Universal Viewer enables you to view, sort, and filter SAS data sets and other simple text-based files. You cannot edit SAS data sets with the SAS Universal Viewer. You do not have to invoke SAS or install SAS on your computer in order to use the SAS Universal Viewer. SAS Universal Viewer allows users to save SAS datasets in XML and CSV formats that can be used with other software programs.
Viewing: Download SAS Universal Viewer by visiting the SAS Software web page.

Text file format

Text file format

Description: A text file is a kind of computer file that is structured as a sequence of lines of electronic text containing plain text, but they are not limited to such.
File extensions: .txt
Viewing: Created by Notepad and TextEdit when document formatting is removed and some hardware devices recognize plain text files.


WinZip & Other Programs for Zipping/Compressing Files

Description: WinZip and similar programs (such as PowerZip, TurboZip, ZipScan, WinConfig, and StuffIt) are used to archive and compress files so that they can be stored and distributed more efficiently.
File extensions: .zip
Viewing: If you do not already have a compression program such as WinZip, you can download a free 21-day trial version of WinZip or download a similar compression program.