Tularemia Data and Statistics

Key points

  • In the United States, naturally occurring infections have been reported from all states except Hawaii.
  • Tularemia is more common in males and more commonly occurs during the months of May through September.

Map of Reported Cases - U.S. 2022

Tularemia has been reported from all states except Hawaii but is most common in the south-central United States, the Pacific Northwest, and parts of Massachusetts, including Martha’s Vineyard.

Map of the U.S. showing states with reported cases of Tularemia.
Map of the U.S. showing states with reported cases of Tularemia.

Table of Reported Cases of Tularemia in the United States from 2011-2022

Yearly Reported Cases - U.S. 1950-2022

Tularemia was much more common in the early part of the 20th century than it is now.

Age & Sex Reported Cases - U.S. 2001-2022

Tularemia is more common in males, possibly because of a greater likelihood of exposure through hunting and landscaping. Tularemia occurs in persons of all ages, but is most common in children.

Monthly Reported Cases - U.S. 2001-2022

Tularemia is more common in the months of May through September. Bites from infected ticks or deer flies usually occur in the summer months, but illness due to animal handling and hunting can occur at any time of the year.