Healthy Brain Resource Center

The Healthy Brain Resource Center (HBRC) is an easy-to-navigate website that helps users find credible public information and materials to support implementing the Healthy Brain Initiative (HBI) Road Map actions.

HBRC Orientation
This video describes the HBRC and orients users on how to access, search, and submit resources for consideration to the HBRC. It also outlines new HBRC features under development.
HBRC Stories From the Field

The Healthy Brain Resource Center Stories From the Field are a series of stories that highlights the achievements of award recipients from the BOLD Infrastructure for Alzheimer’s Act and the National Healthy Brain Initiative. Please click on the stories below to learn more about these recipients and their work.

Are you a BOLD or NHBI award recipient? Do you have a story to share to highlight your program’s work? Please submit your program for nomination by completing this form.