Programs for Diversity and Health Equity

CDC provides a variety of fellowship and training programs that focus on diversity and protecting the health of underrepresented populations, promoting health equity, and eliminating health disparities.

CDC Undergraduate Public Health Scholars (CUPS) Program and the Dr. James A. Ferguson Emerging Infectious Diseases RISE Fellowship (Ferguson Fellowship)
The Office of Minority Health and Health Equity (OMHHE) sponsors the CUPS Program and Ferguson Fellowship, which consists of six internship opportunities taking place at five partner institutions. Every year, the CUPS Program and Ferguson Fellowship enroll a diverse and talented group of students and provides them with an opportunity to turn knowledge into real world experience in a public health setting. The CUPS Program and Ferguson Fellowship were designed to create a public health workplace experience to increase student interest in minority health and health professions. As such, a core area of study and practice is related to the health needs of racial and ethnic minority populations, and other populations who often are underserved and underrepresented in public health.

Fellowships and Training Opportunities, Minority Health
Through the CUPS Program and Ferguson Fellowship, OMHHE offers a variety of opportunities for hands-on training and a unique experience in many public health fields for students interested protecting the health of underrepresented populations, promoting health equity, and eliminating health disparities. Learn more about CUPS/Ferguson participating programs:

Student Highlights
Learn about previous CDC Undergraduate Public Health Scholars (CUPS) program participants and their perspectives on how to advance health equity through their public health work.

Health Equity Events, Forums, and Continuing Education
CDC and partners hold two regular forums. The Public Health Ethics Forum, co-hosted with Tuskegee University National Center for Bioethics in Research and Health Care, examines ethical considerations in public health. The State of Health Equity at CDC is an internal forum that brings together experts and senior leaders from across the agency to discuss efforts to achieve health equity. Continuing education credits are available for both.