Phase 3: Action

A strong cadre of highly skilled trainers can provide professional development instructional activities to help staff positively affect the target audience. As discussed in Professional Development 101external icon, options for professional development activities include events, information and presentation sessions, and technical assistance. Several resources are provided to help you create your professional development offerings.

Training Cadre Success


Example of a Partnership

The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) invited the Washington State Coordinator for Action for Healthy Kids to the Health and Physical Education Cadre Meeting to provide professional development on Wellness Policies. What transpired? Through collaboration, two school districts revised and adopted district Wellness Policies.

To be most effective, look beyond the immediate team to see how your cadre can partner with other professionals or organizations with experience, resources, and expertise that can supplement your cadre’s capabilities.

Partnerships lead to sustained conversations and awareness where activities are more likely to be designed to meet identified needs.

As your organization grows in professional capacity, outcomes of effective partnerships include:

  • Increased contributions from staff because of improved skills and knowledge.
  • Better planning and implementation of programs, practices, and policies.
  • Synergy through collaboration to increase quality, quantity, or cost-effectiveness of programs, practices, and policies.
  • Better alignment of goals among cadre members, the cadre itself, and the organization.

Successful Partnerships

Characteristics of successful partnerships include:

  • Mutual respect.
  • Coordination of administrative responsibility.
  • Reciprocal roles.
  • Shared participation in decision making.
  • Mutual accountability.
  • Transparency.

It will likely be helpful to work with your cadre to create a time line for your activities.

One approach is to determine specific activities your cadre will perform by milestones, such as:

  • 1‒6 months.
  • 7‒12 months.
  • Beyond year 1.

Be sure to include specific tasks for individual cadre members, as needed.

Technical assistance and follow-up support are essential in the professional development process.

Your training cadre will likely provide technical assistance and targeted follow-up support after training events. These are intended to reinforce or strengthen new skills. Follow-up support is ongoing and may change over time as needs change.

Three phases should be considered as your training cadre develops its follow-up support processes:

  1. Design phase: Planning for support when developing training events.
  2. Delivery phase: Collecting evaluation data to identify the best follow-up options.
  3. Follow-up phase: Implementing a follow-up support strategy.