Dementia Caregiving: The Role for Public Health Strategists

Promoting Caregiving Across the Full Community: The Role for Public Health Strategists

Strong public health leadership is essential to engage community partners in driving structural changes that support effective, sustained caregiving for all people living with dementia. This action brief offers:

  • An overview of the challenges of caregiving for people living with dementia.
  • A framework and resources for action for state, local, and tribal public health leaders.

In addition, the action brief calls for public health to employ its chief health strategist role by bringing key stakeholders from multiple sectors to the table—alongside caregivers for adults living with dementia—to develop a broad, 360-degree, macro-level approach to promoting caregiving. This process would identify community assets, uncover inequities in access and use, and develop a plan that applies the best available evidence.

The executive summary [PDF – 1 MB] is also available.