Our Impact on Chronic Diseases and Risk Behaviors

At a glance

NCCDPHP works with states, territories, cities, and tribes to prevent common chronic diseases and promote health across the life span. These efforts have led to improvements in leading health indicators like high blood pressure control, physical activity, and teen pregnancy.

woman riding bike

Programs, activities, and campaigns that make a difference

Helping smokers quit

From 2012 to 2018, 16.4 million smokers attempted to quit and 1 million successfully quit because of the Tips® campaign.

Making it easier for people to be active

47% of adults reported doing enough physical activity in their free time to meet the aerobic guideline.

Preventing cardiac events

The Million Hearts® initiative prevented an estimated 135,000 cardiac events from 2012 to 2016, averting $5.6 billion in medical costs.

Preventing teen pregnancy

Teen birth rates fell 67% from 2007 to 2021—an all-time low.

Keep Reading: Unintended Pregnancy

Increasing the use of dental sealants

Use of dental sealants among children from low-income households increased from 22% in 1999–2004 to 39% in 2011–2016.

Getting more people enrolled in a proven diabetes prevention program

Over 722,000 people have participated in the National Diabetes Prevention Program lifestyle change program.

Helping women get screened for breast and cervical cancer

Since 1991, the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program has served more than 6.2 million women and found 77,968 invasive breast cancers, 5,220 invasive cervical cancers, and 242,261 precancerous cervical lesions.

Improving quality of life for adults with arthritis

Since 2012, over 300,000 adults have been reached with arthritis-appropriate evidence-based interventions that can improve arthritis management and quality of life.

Supporting mental health for adolescents

Nearly 2 million middle and high school students are served by CDC's "What Works in Schools" program, which improves students' mental health and reduces substance use, sexual risk behavior, and experiences of violence.

Keep Reading: What Works in Schools