COVID-19 Vaccine IT Overview

Providing COVID-19 vaccines nationwide requires unprecedented logistics and coordination effort among public health authorities and private-sector partners. Integrated IT systems —both public and private, as well as new and existing—are used to ensure successful vaccine allocation, distribution, administration, monitoring, and reporting.

Current Systems for Vaccine Logistics and Administration

Three systems support vaccine logistics and administration: the Vaccine Tracking System, Immunization Information Systems, the website, and the Immunization (IZ) Gateway.

Vaccination Clinics and Vaccine Administration

A new system has been developed to support COVID-19 vaccination clinics and vaccine administration.

As part of the overall IT infrastructure to support COVID-19 vaccination VAMS connects with IISs via federal and data reporting systems and sends data to IISs through the IZ Gateway or COVID-19 Data Clearinghouse.

New Systems Developed for COVID-19 Vaccination Data Collection and Reporting

Three new systems have been developed to support COVID-19 vaccination data collection and reporting.