Frequently Asked Questions

Thank you for your interest in Grand Rounds

How can I attend a CDC Public Health Grand Rounds (PHGR) session?

You are welcome to attend our Grand Rounds sessions, either in person or via webcast. The sessions are open to the public. Sessions are usually held the 3rd Tuesday of each month. Contractors at CDC may attend with prior approval of their employer. Non-CDC staff must obtain security clearance. US citizens must submit a request to the Grand Rounds Team. A US state-issued photo ID (e.g., driver’s license, US passport) is required. Non-US citizens must submit their requests 20 days prior to the session to the Grand Rounds Team, and additional information will be required.

How can I view the live webcast?

A live webcast will be available on our website. The link will be live five minutes before the presentation begins. All our sessions are posted to our Grand Rounds On Demand website where you may view them at your convenience

Is registration required to view Grand Rounds via the webcast?

Registration is not required.

Are the presentations archived?

Yes, all sessions are archived and posted to our Grand Rounds On Demand website 3-4 days after each presentation where you may view them at your convenience.

How do I get continuing education for viewing Grand Rounds?

You can receive free continuing education for Grand Rounds. All continuing education credit for Public Health Grand Rounds (PHGR) is issued online through the CDC/ATSDR Training and Continuing Education Online system. If you have questions, you can email Learner Support. For additional information visit our CE page.

Are other scientific materials available for each Grand Rounds session?

Every Grand Rounds session has its own web page which contains additional information about that specific topic. Search Grand Rounds On Demand to see what is available. These pages are updated frequently.

How are topics selected?

Each year, the Grand Rounds team invites CDC programs to submit topics for consideration through a “Call for Proposals.” Selections are based upon the timeliness of the proposed topic, its public health importance, and the ability to address the subject within the Grand Rounds format.

What is involved in putting together a CDC Public Health Grand Rounds session?

Putting together a session is a rigorous and collaborative process. The Grand Rounds team works diligently with CDC programs and speakers to ensure accurate, timely, important scientific information for our audiences.

If you have more questions about CDC’s Public Health Grand Rounds, please contact us at