Antimicrobial Resistance Laboratory Networks

Key points

  • In the United States (U.S.) and around the globe, CDC's Antimicrobial Resistance Laboratory Network and Global Antimicrobial Resistance Laboratory and Response Network support lab testing for healthcare, community and environmental (e.g., water, soil) settings.
  • This work ultimately improves patient care, enhances public health and informs solutions against antimicrobial resistance threats.


CDC's Antimicrobial Resistance Laboratory Network (AR Lab Network), established in 2016, provides domestic, nationwide lab capacity to rapidly detect antimicrobial resistance (AR) and inform local responses to prevent spread and protect people. It closes the gap between local capabilities and the data needed to combat AR in the U.S.

CDC's Global Antimicrobial Resistance Laboratory and Response Network (Global AR Lab & Response Network), launched in 2021, improves the detection of existing and emerging AR threats outside of the U.S. It identifies risk factors that drive the emergence and spread of resistance across health care, the community, and the environment. This global network also supports local public health responses to stop AR threats and informs global prevention strategies for antimicrobial resistance.