Free Materials on ADHD

At a glance

  • Free materials and resources on ADHD for families, teachers, healthcare providers, and public health professionals.
  • Check out CDC's list of ADHD materials below!
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What's included

Free materials on ADHD‎

• A toolkit for partners

• Fact sheets
• Infographics/posters
• Videos
• Podcast
• Webcasts
• Materials from other organizations

ADHD Across the Lifetime: A Toolkit for Partner Organizations

A young child and grandmother playing and enjoying each other's company at home. Visit to learn more about #Moving ForwardwithADHD.
ADHD Across the Lifetime: A Toolkit for Partner Organizations.

CDC's ADHD partner toolkit provides a one-stop shop for free resources, including social media content and links to educational materials. Learn more about how you and your organization can support children and adults with ADHD.

Fact sheets about ADHD

Kids are playing with their hands in dirt.
Attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common neurobehavioral disorders of childhood.

Basic information


Behavior therapy


Infographics/posters about ADHD

What are infographics?‎

Infographics (also known as "information graphics") are graphic pictures of data, information or knowledge that tell a story.
CDC Vital Signs infographic highlighting what parents can expect in behavior therapy with their child and behavior therapist.
What parents expect in behavior therapy

Text version

What parents can expect in behavior therapy

Parents typically attend 8 to 16 sessions with a therapist and learn strategies to help their child. Sessions may involve groups or individual families.

• The therapist meets regularly with the family to monitor progress and provide support

• Between sessions, parents practice using the skills they've learned from the therapist.

After therapy ends, families continue to experience improved behavior and reduced stress. #VitalSigns

CDC Vital Signs infographic highlighting what parents can learn through behavior therapy training.
What parents learn when trained in behavior therapy

Text version

What parents learn when trained in behavior therapy

• Positive Communication
• Positive Reinforcement

• Structure and Discipline

Behavior therapy, given by parents, teaches children to better control their own behavior, leading to improved functioning at school home and in relationships. Learning and practicing behavior therapy requires time and effort but has lasting benefits for the child. #VitalSigns

Videos about ADHD

Still shot of a CDC video about ADHD diagnosis and treatment.
A video about ADHD diagnosis and treatment.

Learn more about ADHD through educational videos.

Podcast series "All Things ADHD"

Logo for CHADD's National Resource Center on ADHD.
The National Resource Center on ADHD (NRC), a program of Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD), was established to be the national clearinghouse for the latest evidence-based information on ADHD.

Listen to the podcast series "All Things ADHD" by CHADD's NRC on a variety of topics for anyone dealing with ADHD.

Webcasts about ADHD

ADHD Awareness logo
ADHD Awareness

The National Resource Center on ADHD hosts monthly webcasts with leading experts in the field of ADHD. View calendar and archive »