Total Worker Health


At a glance

There are many different ways to learn how to apply Total Worker Health® strategies in the workplace, like webinar series, events, and more. These training and professional development opportunities focus on advancing worker safety, health, and well-being.

woman standing in front of table of workers


These training resources can help your organization integrate workplace policies, programs, and practices to improve worker well-being.

Looking for live training opportunities and events?‎

Stay up to date on the latest webinars and events on the NIOSH Conferences, Meetings, Webinars, and Events page and the TWH in Action! eNewsletter.

Additional information

Universities are expanding the reach of Total Worker Health (TWH) approaches through formal training opportunities. Examples include professional development courses, graduate degree programs, and certifications. Programs are available throughout the year and offer opportunities for virtual and in-person learning. To find opportunities offered by Centers of Excellence for TWH, visit their websites.