Ending the HIV Epidemic

Updated Mar. 18, 2019
Two men cook together.

Ending the HIV Epidemic

HIV Treatment Is Prevention

Half of people with HIV know it, are in care, and are virally suppressed or undetectable.
8 in 10
8 in 10 new HIV infections come from people not in HIV care.
New US goal: cut new HIV infections by at least 90% in 10 years. The time is now.


We can end the HIV epidemic in the US. Immediate, effective treatment is key. Taking HIV medicine as prescribed can make the amount of virus in the body very low (called viral suppression* or undetectable). People with HIV who stay undetectable can stay healthy and have effectively no risk of sexually transmitting HIV.

To reduce new infections:

  • Early HIV diagnosis is crucial. Everyone aged 13-64 should be tested at least once. People at high risk should be tested at least annually. Sexually active gay and bisexual men may benefit from more frequent testing (e.g., every 3-6 months). bit.ly/2eJ8YNz
  • People with HIV should take HIV treatment as soon as possible. People who stay in lifetime treatment can live longer, prevent complications from HIV, and prevent transmission through sex.
  • Prevention tools like condoms and pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) can protect people who are at risk for HIV.

* Less than 200 copies of HIV per milliliter of blood

HIV Treatment Can Prevent Transmission

HIV Transmissions in 2016; Percent of People with HIV; Status of Care; Accounted for X percent of New Transmissions*; 15 percent of people with HIV didn’t know they had HIV and accounted for 38 percent of new transmissions. 23 percent knew they had HIV but weren’t in care and accounted for 43 percent of new transmissions. 11 percent were in care but not virally suppressed and accounted for 20 percent of new transmissions. 51 percent were taking HIV medicine, were virally suppressed, and accounted for 0 percent of new transmissions. *Values do not equal 100 percent because of rounding.

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SOURCE: Vital Signs, 2019

Ending The HIV Epidemic: A Plan for America. Diagnose HIV as early as possible. Treat HIV quickly and effectively. Protect people at risk. Respond quickly to clusters of new cases. SOURCE: Vital Signs, 2019.
Many people with HIV aren’t getting the treatment they need.
About half of people with HIV are virally suppressed or undetectable.
  • There are nearly 40,000 new HIV infections a year.
  • New HIV infections come from people who aren’t virally suppressed or undetectable.
  • Nearly 40% of people with HIV don’t know they have it or know but aren’t in care.
The Way Forward
Healthcare Providers Can:
  • Test patients for HIV. Quickly link people with HIV to care and help them stay in care.
  • Discuss prevention with patients who may benefit from condoms and PrEP.
People with HIV Can:
  • Start HIV care now, stay in care, and take medicine as prescribed.
  • Tell their provider if they have problems taking the medicine.
  • Learn more about HIV care and how to live well with HIV: bit.ly/2ncxBcK
Health Departments Can:
  • Test people for HIV, and quickly link people with HIV to care.
  • Find people who fall out of HIV care, and help them get back in care.
Everyone Can:
  • Learn how to prevent HIV, and know their HIV status. gettested.cdc.gov
  • Support family and friends who have HIV.

Ending the HIV Epidemic: The pathway is clear. Join us: hiv.gov/federal-response/ending-the-hiv-epidemic/overview

For More Information
1-800-CDC-INFO (232-4636)
TTY: 1-888-232-6348
Web: www.cdc.gov

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road NE
Atlanta, GA 30333
Publication date: March 18, 2019