Vaccine-Associated Paralytic Polio
What is vaccine-associated paralytic polio?
Vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis (VAPP) is an adverse event following exposure to OPV. OPV is made with live attenuated (weakened) polioviruses that can cause sporadic and rare cases of paralytic polio. IPV, the only polio vaccine used in the United States since 2000, carries no risk of VAPP.
Is there a difference in a disease caused by wild poliovirus, vaccine-derived poliovirus, or by OPV (VAPP)?
No, there is no difference between the paralysis caused by wild poliovirus, OPV, or VDPV.
Has VAPP occurred in the United States?
One case of VAPP has been identified in the United States since 2000.
In 2005, a healthy, unimmunized young adult from the United States acquired VAPP in Central America, most likely from an infant in the host family who recently had been immunized with OPV.