BRFSS States 01-02 Table

BRFSS States 01-02 Table

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Flu vaccine by reporting area, age, race during 2001-2002
Percentage of persons aged ≥ 18 years who reported receiving influenza vaccine by reporting areas, age group and race/ethnicity – Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), 50 states and the District of Columbia, 2001 and 2002 combined
Reporting Area 18-49 years 50-64 years 65 years and older
Hispanic White
Hispanic White
% (95% CI) % (95% CI) % (95% CI) % (95% CI) % (95% CI) % (95% CI) % (95% CI) % (95% CI) % (95% CI)
TOTAL 18.7±0.3 19.7±0.8 17.0±0.9 37.3±0.5 29.3±1.8 31.1±2.6 68.1±0.5 49.4±2.5 57.1±4.4
ALABAMA 18.4±1.9 20.8±3.8 28.3±12.4 38.2±3.5 30.6±6.2 * 69.3±3.2 49.6±7.7 *
ALASKA 24.4±2.8 42.6±14.9 31.9±11.1 36.6±4.7 * * 63.3±7.1 * *
ARIZONA 17.5±2.4 * 17.3±4.3 34.0±3.9 * 24.8±9.0 66.5±3.5 * 52.9±12.0
ARKANSAS 21.2±1.7 19.0±4.2 26.4±9.8 39.6±2.8 30.6±9.5 30.9±15.4 68.6±2.9 50.6±12.0 *
CALIFORNIA 16.6±1.6 18.8±5.4 14.7±2.2 37.0±3.0 32.9±11.2 29.6±6.6 72.0±2.7 63.7±14.0 64.4±11.6
COLORADO 20.7±1.8 24.9±11.9 18.8±3.5 45.9±3.5 39.1±21.8 28.1±8.9 79.6±3.2 * 54.4±17.6
CONNECTICUT 19.1±1.3 21.8±5.8 22.9±4.3 38.2±2.2 26.3±9.1 56.6±11.8 71.0±2.2 56.0±12.9 60.5±13.6
DELAWARE 19.7±1.9 21.9±4.5 18.2±7.1 39.6±3.3 36.3±9.5 53.8±28.1 71.8±2.9 56.2±11.7 *
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 22.9±2.8 21.0±3.3 16.1±8.4 48.6±5.7 24.3±4.6 36.4±18.7 65.6±7.0 53.7±5.7 *
FLORIDA 14.3±1.4 17.2±3.6 12.0±2.7 29.9±2.3 20.2±6.4 19.2±6.0 59.1±2.3 36.0±9.2 41.8±8.1
GEORGIA 16.3±1.4 18.0±2.4 14.2±7.6 34.8±2.9 24.7±5.4 * 66.8±3.2 39.5±7.1 *
HAWAII 25.1±2.8 50.1±11.3 27.6±6.0 31.4±4.0 * 38.0±13.3 67.7±4.5 * 87.2±13.0
IDAHO 17.8±1.3 * 14.0±4.5 35.4±2.5 * 48.6±15.3 65.3±2.5 * *
ILLINOIS 17.9±1.6 20.3±4.3 18.3±4.2 33.1±2.8 24.0±7.2 33.9±12.4 64.6±3.1 50.3±10.7 *
INDIANA 18.2±1.2 12.7±3.9 18.9±5.7 40.2±2.4 28.0±9.2 * 67.1±2.5 51.5±14.4 *
IOWA 20.4±1.6 28.3±14.0 34.3±14.0 43.7±2.8 * * 73.5±2.4 * *
KANSAS 20.5±1.4 22.4±6.0 15.2±3.9 39.5±2.5 32.5±14.3 37.3±14.0 69.5±2.4 45.7±16.9 57.8±18.9
KENTUCKY 18.1±1.4 23.8±6.5 16.6±9.2 36.6±2.4 30.1±10.4 34.3±19.3 63.8±2.4 50.8±14.1 64.4±14.6
LOUISIANA 17.2±1.4 19.7±2.4 19.5±7.6 29.1±2.6 21.8±3.9 29.4±13.8 61.3±2.9 41.2±5.7 50.6±21.3
MAINE 21.0±1.9 * * 42.2±3.2 * * 72.6±3.2 * *
MARYLAND 21.0±1.6 19.7±3.1 29.2±8.5 42.4±2.9 31.0±6.0 31.0±17.9 70.0±3.1 56.0±10.0 *
MASSACHUSETTS 19.2±1.2 25.2±5.6 25.3±3.6 37.5±2.1 46.9±13.1 38.3±8.3 72.4±2.0 53.1±12.8 69.2±11.1
MICHIGAN 15.6±1.4 15.0±3.9 21.6±7.8 33.3±2.4 24.4±6.9 25.6±13.7 65.3±2.8 54.7±9.9 *
MINNESOTA 19.7±1.4 30.2±8.8 31.4±10.9 42.9±2.5 * * 73.2±2.3 * *
MISSISSIPPI 19.7±1.8 19.2±2.7 25.0±11.5 37.9±3.1 24.2±4.6 * 68.4±3.1 44.8±6.7 *
MISSOURI 20.6±1.7 24.8±7.4 20.8±10.8 41.3±3.1 35.4±14.2 39.8±20.1 70.1±2.9 49.7±15.1 47.4±22.4
MONTANA 20.2±2.0 * 21.4±10.0 41.1±3.2 * 44.8±20.6 70.5±3.0 * *
NEBRASKA 23.7±1.7 34.2±14.3 20.7±5.7 43.4±2.7 43.0±20.4 35.9±14.7 69.7±2.4 * 71.4±15.4
NEVADA 15.8±2.0 15.8±8.2 15.7±4.4 30.7±3.7 * 47.3±27.2 63.5±4.4 * 57.4±20.4
NEW HAMPSHIRE 18.3±1.3 * 18.4±9.8 37.0±2.3 * * 71.1±2.5 * *
NEW JERSEY 18.8±2.2 13.9±4.0 18.3±4.1 32.0±3.4 33.5±10.2 31.2±11.1 67.9±3.1 61.2±11.4 61.2±17.3
NEW MEXICO 20.8±2.2 28.3±12.5 17.1±2.0 37.8±3.1 * 33.9±4.3 70.5±3.0 * 63.6±5.1
NEW YORK 18.0±1.5 17.3±4.0 17.9±3.3 36.4±2.8 26.2±8.5 33.7±9.1 67.2±3.0 40.0±12.1 57.4±13.6
NORTH CAROLINA 18.9±1.6 20.3±3.4 19.0±5.6 39.1±2.9 34.9±6.7 39.2±18.9 70.5±2.8 49.3±8.0 74.5±19.5
NORTH DAKOTA 21.0±1.6 * 33.4±13.8 39.4±3.1 * * 72.4±3.0 * *
OHIO 16.3±1.4 18.4±4.9 8.2±4.6 36.5±2.9 32.1±9.1 * 67.4±3.0 33.4±13.0 *
OKLAHOMA 24.0±1.6 21.4±5.1 19.7±5.1 44.6±2.6 35.6±10.9 37.1±13.4 73.6±2.3 51.2±12.8 66.8±17.8
OREGON 19.5±1.8 * 16.7±5.4 37.9±3.0 * * 70.4±3.0 * *
PENNSYLVANIA 16.6±1.2 24.9±5.4 19.5±6.3 35.9±2.2 38.3±8.7 * 67.9±2.2 59.4±9.7 61.8±19.7
RHODE ISLAND 21.7±1.7 24.9±7.4 22.3±4.6 41.1±2.8 62.6±17.5 45.9±11.5 73.3±2.6 * 65.2±14.0
SOUTH CAROLINA 21.2±1.8 24.7±3.5 13.5±7.3 37.9±3.1 30.7±5.8 33.7±17.5 70.0±3.2 60.1±8.9 *
SOUTH DAKOTA 28.6±1.5 * 30.8±11.7 47.3±2.4 * 42.7±17.8 74.3±1.9 * 88.6±11.4
TENNESSEE 21.4±1.8 22.0±4.5 35.3±16.3 42.1±3.2 32.9±8.9 * 70.5±3.2 51.0±10.4 *
TEXAS 21.6±1.5 21.3±3.4 17.6±1.8 36.4±2.7 29.4±6.6 34.8±5.2 65.9±2.5 49.7±10.8 45.5±7.9
UTAH 20.1±1.6 * 24.6±8.2 37.9±3.3 * 37.3±16.4 69.4±3.6 * *
VERMONT 18.1±1.3 * 24.5±12.2 37.0±2.2 * * 72.6±2.5 * *
VIRGINIA 22.8±2.0 20.0±3.4 26.6±10.8 42.3±3.4 34.9±7.4 * 67.2±3.7 57.1±9.4 *
WASHINGTON 20.5±1.5 29.1±10.6 27.7±7.6 39.0±2.6 44.7±17.7 36.4±15.2 69.7±2.7 * *
WEST VIRGINIA 17.7±1.5 22.0±10.7 * 39.8±2.8 * * 64.2±2.7 60.3±21.0 *
WISCONSIN 19.9±1.5 21.7±5.9 19.1±9.2 39.3±2.8 45.8±12.7 * 72.3±2.8 50.4±16.1 *
WYOMING 20.8±1.6 * 24.0±6.3 40.2±2.9 * 43.0±13.1 69.8±3.0 * *
nH = non-Hispanic

Data are presented only for white nH, black nH, and Hispanics because numbers for other racial/ethnic groups were too small for meaningful analysis. Persons of Hispanic origin can be of any race; however, the racial /ethnic groups whites nH and black nH di not include persons of Hispanic origin.

CI = confidence interval; 95% CIs were calculated by multiplying the standard error by ± 1.96.

* The standard of reliability is RSE < 0.3 (where RSE = the ratio of the standard error and the prevalence, se/percent). This estimate did not meet the standard or there were < 30 respondents in the denominator.

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