Empower Vape-Free Youth Campaign

At a glance

The Empower Vape-Free YouthTM campaign encourages middle and high school educators to speak with students about the risks of e-cigarettes and nicotine addiction. The campaign includes resources for educators to help students avoid or quit vaping.

Empower Vape Free Youth logo

Educators’ role in helping reduce student vaping

E-cigarettes (also called vapes) have been the most commonly used tobacco product among U.S. youth since 2014. Educators can make a real difference by engaging in meaningful conversations with their students about the dangers of vaping for young people and ways to quit.

CDC launched the Empower Vape-Free YouthTM campaign in 2023 to encourage middle and high school educators to speak with students about the risks of e-cigarettes and nicotine addiction. The campaign also provides resources for educators to help students avoid or quit vaping.

Quit resources for youth

  • Smokefree Teen is a website from the National Cancer Institute with information, tips, tools, and live web-based support for teens interested in quitting tobacco use.
  • SmokefreeTXT for Teens is a text-based program from the National Cancer Institute to help young people quit tobacco use.
  • 1-800-QUIT-NOW connects teens to their state quitline where they can get free and confidential support from a quit coach and get connected to additional resources. Learn more at CDC.gov/Quitline.

Educator resources