Eight Danger Zones

At a glance

The eight danger zones are important risk factors that can increase risk for crashes among teen drivers. Parents can help keep teen drivers safe on the road by being aware of these danger zones and taking action.

Eight danger zones


Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for teens. The good news is that teen motor vehicle crash deaths and injuries can be prevented. Make sure your young driver is aware of the leading causes of teen crashes. Then use a Parent-Teen Driving Agreement to put rules in place that will help your teen stay safe.

Danger zone #1

Driver inexperience

Crash risk is highest in the first year a teen has his or her license. Crash risk is particularly high during the first several months of licensure.

What parents can do

  • Provide as many hours of supervised driving practice as possible over at least six months.
  • Practice on a variety of roads, at different times of day, and in varied weather and traffic conditions.
  • Stress the importance of continually scanning for potential hazards including other vehicles, bicyclists, and pedestrians.

Danger zone #2

Driving with teen or young adult passengers

Crash risk goes up when teens drive with other teens or young adults in the car.

What parents can do

  • The best practice is for your teen to have no teen or young adult passengers for at least the first six months after they get their license. If that's not possible, limit your teen to just one teen or young adult passenger.
  • Learn about passenger restrictions and other important requirements of your state's Graduated Driver Licensing system on the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety's graduated licensing laws by state webpage.

Danger zone #3

Nighttime driving

Fatal crashes are more likely to occur at night, but the risk is even higher for teens.

What parents can do

  • Make sure your teen is off the road by 9 or 10 pm for at least the first six months of licensed driving.
  • Practice nighttime driving with your teen when you think your teen is ready.

Danger zone #4

Not using seat belts

The simplest way to prevent car crash deaths and injuries is to buckle up.

What parents can do

Danger zone #5

Distracted driving

Distractions increase your teen's risk of being in a crash.

What parents can do

Danger zone #6

Drowsy driving

Young drivers are at high risk for drowsy driving. Teens are typically most tired and at risk when driving in the early morning or late at night.

What parents can do

  • Know your teen's schedule so you can be sure they are well rested before getting behind the wheel.

Danger zone #7

Reckless driving

Research shows that teens lack the experience, judgment, and maturity to assess risky situations.

What parents can do

  • Make sure your teen knows to follow the speed limit and to adjust speed to match road, traffic, and weather conditions.
  • Remind your teen to maintain enough space behind the vehicle ahead to avoid a crash in case of a sudden stop.

Danger zone #8

Impaired driving

Even small amounts of alcohol will impair your teen's driving ability and increase their risk of a crash. Many other types of drugs/substances (including marijuana, other illicit drugs, prescription medications, or over-the-counter medications) also can impair a teen's ability to drive safely.

What parents can do