Reported Tuberculosis in the United States, 2022

Reported Tuberculosis in the United States, 2022

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Table 14. Tuberculosis Cases and Percentages by Initial Drug Regimen: United States, 1993–2022

See surveillance slides #37 and #38.

Tuberculosis Cases and Percentages by Initial Drug Regimen: United States, 1993–2022
Year Total cases1 HRZE2 Multi (4+) drug regimen3 Less than 4 drug regimen4
No. (%) No. (%) No. (%)
2022 8,045 6,522 (81.1) 1,044 (13.0) 479 (6.0)
2021 7,591 6,315 (83.2) 795 (10.5) 481 (6.3)
2020 6,950 5,805 (83.5) 733 (10.5) 412 (5.9)
2019 8,659 7,173 (82.8) 1,014 (11.7) 472 (5.5)
2018 8,786 7,287 (82.9) 1,032 (11.7) 467 (5.3)
2017 8,888 7,450 (83.8) 926 (10.4) 512 (5.8)
2016 9,018 7,668 (85.0) 914 (10.1) 436 (4.8)
2015 9,314 7,952 (85.4) 859 (9.2) 503 (5.4)
2014 9,173 7,830 (85.4) 838 (9.1) 505 (5.5)
2013 9,271 7,838 (84.5) 885 (9.5) 548 (5.9)
2012 9,677 8,270 (85.5) 868 (9.0) 539 (5.6)
2011 10,213 8,704 (85.2) 824 (8.1) 685 (6.7)
2010 10,800 9,124 (84.5) 876 (8.1) 800 (7.4)
2009 11,219 9,463 (84.3) 872 (7.8) 884 (7.9)
2008 12,679 10,678 (84.2) 965 (7.6) 1,036 (8.2)
2007 12,975 10,876 (83.8) 847 (6.5) 1,252 (9.6)
2006 13,396 11,157 (83.3) 880 (6.6) 1,359 (10.1)
2005 13,754 11,511 (83.7) 689 (5.0) 1,554 (11.3)
2004 14,193 11,697 (82.4) 694 (4.9) 1,802 (12.7)
2003 14,481 11,778 (81.3) 683 (4.7) 2,020 (13.9)
2002 14,695 11,802 (80.3) 630 (4.3) 2,263 (15.4)
2001 15,539 12,405 (79.8) 606 (3.9) 2,528 (16.3)
2000 15,872 12,457 (78.5) 670 (4.2) 2,745 (17.3)
1999 16,942 13,020 (76.9) 792 (4.7) 3,130 (18.5)
1998 17,727 13,167 (74.3) 761 (4.3) 3,799 (21.4)
1997 19,063 13,714 (71.9) 828 (4.3) 4,521 (23.7)
1996 20,424 13,750 (67.3) 894 (4.4) 5,780 (28.3)
1995 21,850 13,704 (62.7) 1,058 (4.8) 7,088 (32.4)
1994 23,197 12,925 (55.7) 1,287 (5.5) 8,985 (38.7)
1993 23,964 9,664 (40.3) 1,185 (4.9) 13,115 (54.7)

1Persons alive at diagnosis with initial drug regimen information.
2H, isoniazid; R, rifampin; Z, pyrazinamide; E, ethambutol.
3A drug regimen with at least four drugs, other than HRZE.
4Includes persons who were not prescribed any drugs.

Data for all years are updated through July 8, 2023.