Reported Tuberculosis in the United States, 2019

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Table 52. Tuberculosis Cases and Percentages Among Persons Completing Therapy for Whom Therapy Was Indicated for <1 Year: Reporting Areas, 2013–20171

See Surveillance Slide #39

Table 52. Tuberculosis Cases and Percentages Among Persons Completing Therapy for Whom Therapy Was Indicated for <1 Year: Reporting Areas, 2012–20171
Reporting Area Year
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
No.2 (%)3 No.2 (%)3 No.2 (%)3 No.2 (%)3 No.2 (%)3
United States 7,773 (89.8) 7,711 (90.2) 7,852 (90.1) 7,576 (89.4) 7,399 (89.8)
Alabama 94 (95.7) 112 (93.8) 98 (86.7) 97 (87.6) 107 (87.9)
Alaska 67 (92.5) 54 (94.4) 59 (93.2) 54 (88.9) 47 (91.5)
Arizona 131 (86.3) 127 (88.2) 150 (92.7) 135 (87.4) 146 (92.5)
Arkansas 61 (72.1) 80 (75.0) 79 (84.8) 70 (78.6) 76 (78.9)
California 1,755 (88.6) 1,745 (88.3) 1,763 (89.1) 1,647 (88.3) 1,663 (90.0)
Colorado 57 (96.5) 51 (96.1) 61 (95.1) 46 (89.1) 68 (91.2)
Connecticut 49 (85.7) 51 (98.0) 56 (94.6) 41 (97.6) 49 (98.0)
Delaware 18 (72.2) 21 (81.0) 18 (88.9) 14 (100.0) 9 (100.0)
District of Columbia 27 (85.2) 27 (92.6) 24 (87.5) 19 (94.7) 30 (76.7)
Florida 545 (94.7) 504 (95.2) 495 (95.8) 535 (93.1) 454 (95.2)
Georgia 290 (88.6) 283 (90.1) 269 (90.3) 244 (88.9) 240 (86.3)
Hawaii 102 (90.2) 120 (98.3) 113 (95.6) 102 (99.0) 97 (96.9)
Idaho 9 (88.9) 8 (75.0) 9 (100.0) 15 (93.3) 9 (88.9)
Illinois 267 (89.5) 262 (90.8) 289 (94.5) 275 (92.0) 273 (91.2)
Indiana 77 (96.1) 91 (92.3) 101 (94.1) 91 (92.3) 84 (96.4)
Iowa 40 (87.5) 43 (90.7) 34 (85.3) 40 (92.5) 39 (97.4)
Kansas 30 (100.0) 35 (94.3) 32 (93.8) 37 (91.9) 21 (100.0)
Kentucky 47 (91.5) 62 (95.2) 53 (94.3) 77 (96.1) 49 (98.0)
Louisiana 120 (78.3) 103 (79.6) 107 (72.9) 112 (75.9) 119 (82.4)
Maine 12 (91.7) 14 (78.6) 15 (100.0) 21 (95.2) 9 (100.0)
Maryland 149 (91.3) 162 (90.1) 141 (90.8) 182 (93.4) 172 (84.3)
Massachusetts 148 (91.9) 164 (88.4) 151 (88.7) 156 (88.5) 168 (94.6)
Michigan 107 (95.3) 87 (95.4) 112 (95.5) 115 (94.8) 99 (96.0)
Minnesota 125 (94.4) 122 (92.6) 125 (95.2) 138 (94.2) 138 (95.7)
Mississippi 42 (90.5) 59 (83.1) 55 (89.1) 47 (89.4) 44 (86.4)
Missouri 81 (75.3) 63 (69.8) 77 (81.8) 90 (80.0) 72 (73.6)
Montana 4 (100.0) 3 (100.0) 7 (100.0) 4 (100.0) 3 (100.0)
Nebraska 20 (95.0) 35 (68.6) 27 (37.0) 25 (56.0) 15 (66.7)
Nevada 78 (96.2) 66 (93.9) 70 (95.7) 43 (95.3) 66 (98.5)
New Hampshire 12 (83.3) 10 (100.0) 7 (100.0) 10 (100.0) 17 (88.2)
New Jersey 252 (92.1) 244 (92.6) 254 (90.9) 242 (93.8) 212 (92.9)
New Mexico 34 (94.1) 35 (94.3) 29 (93.1) 29 (89.7) 25 (96.0)
New York State4 172 (89.5) 167 (92.2) 149 (94.0) 160 (95.6) 162 (92.6)
New York City 545 (95.2) 476 (95.4) 489 (94.1) 447 (93.3) 494 (92.9)
North Carolina 178 (97.8) 159 (97.5) 162 (92.6) 189 (91.0) 187 (93.6)
North Dakota 10 (80.0) 12 (58.3) 7 (85.7) 21 (90.5) 13 (92.3)
Ohio 118 (83.9) 121 (90.9) 116 (83.6) 118 (76.3) 124 (82.3)
Oklahoma 58 (93.1) 53 (94.3) 59 (88.1) 59 (94.9) 48 (95.8)
Oregon 61 (86.9) 58 (94.8) 65 (87.7) 59 (79.7) 61 (90.2)
Pennsylvania 176 (76.1) 165 (80.6) 165 (81.2) 139 (78.4) 156 (75.6)
Rhode Island 23 (95.7) 17 (88.2) 23 (100.0) 8 (87.5) 9 (77.8)
South Carolina 92 (84.8) 65 (95.4) 86 (91.9) 83 (94.0) 87 (92.0)
South Dakota 6 (83.3) 5 (80.0) 14 (50.0) 9 (88.9) 11 (100.0)
Tennessee 118 (96.6) 128 (95.3) 106 (95.3) 86 (95.3) 105 (95.2)
Texas 958 (88.1) 1,026 (87.7) 1,086 (87.5) 1,041 (85.2) 898 (82.6)
Utah 28 (100.0) 23 (100.0) 31 (93.5) 18 (94.4) 24 (95.8)
Vermont 4 (100.0) 2 (100.0) 7 (100.0) 5 (100.0) 2 (50.0)
Virginia 148 (94.6) 170 (95.9) 180 (92.2) 172 (92.4) 176 (97.2)
Washington 177 (83.1) 169 (88.2) 161 (90.1) 164 (92.7) 167 (93.4)
West Virginia 9 (100.0) 12 (91.7) 6 (83.3) 11 (81.8) 13 (84.6)
Wisconsin 42 (90.5) 38 (89.5) 58 (84.5) 34 (85.3) 40 (90.0)
Wyoming 0 2 (100.0) 2 (100.0) 0 2 (100.0)
American Samoa5 2 (100.0) 0 4 1 1
Fed. States of Micronesia5 117 (93.2) 166 (92.2) 93 (90.3) 124 (96.0) 129 (94.6)
Guam5 44 (95.5) 51 (94.1) 66 (95.5) 64 (84.4) 74 (91.9)
Marshall Islands5 137 (90.5) 137 (92.0) 118 (87.3) 157 (57.3) 181 (31.5)
N. Mariana Islands5 25 (88.0) 12 (100.0) 26 (80.8) 25 (92.0) 39 (94.9)
Puerto Rico5 37 (91.9) 32 (90.6) 38 (73.7) 52 (88.5) 30 (73.3)
Republic of Palau5 7 (100.0) 7 (100.0) 11 (90.9) 19 (84.2) 16 (93.8)
U.S. Virgin Islands5 1 0 0 0 2

1Most recent year for which data are available.
2Total cases for which therapy <1 year indicated in persons alive at diagnosis with an initial regimen of one or more drugs prescribed who did not die within one year of initiating therapy. Excludes persons with initial isolate rifampin resistant, or patient with bone and joint disease, meningeal disease or disease of the central nervous system, or pediatric patient (age <15) with miliary disease or positive blood culture or a positive nucleic acid amplification test on a blood specimen, and those who moved out of the country within one year of initiating treatment.
3Percentage of total cases in persons who completed therapy within one year for whom therapy <1 year was indicated.
4Excludes New York City.
5Not included in U.S. totals.

Note: See Technical Notes for description of completion of therapy calculation.
Double dashes (–) indicate that the percentage cannot be calculated.