Tuberculosis Epidemiologic Studies Consortium

Key points

  • The Tuberculosis Epidemiologic Studies Consortium (TBESC) is one of CDC’s flagship tuberculosis (TB) research consortia tasked with identifying approaches to accelerate U.S. TB elimination.
  • TBESC carries out observational epidemiologic and programmatic research and related studies to improve identification, diagnosis, prevention, and control of TB disease and latent TB infection.
Graphic illustration of Tuberculosis Epidemiologic Studies Consortium-III


TBESC-III (2021-2026)

The current research cycle (TBESC-III) began in September 2021 and will end in March 2026. The purpose of TBESC-III (Implementing and Evaluating Interventions to Increase Treatment of Latent TB Infection in Primary Care Settings) is to assess the following:

  • How is latent TB infection screening, testing, and treatment offered to patients in primary care settings?
  • What is the impact of primary care interventions designed to increase the number of eligible patients who complete treatment for latent TB infection?
  • What is the estimated value to the healthcare system and society of clinical care-based interventions that improve performance measures across the latent TB infection care cascade?

Past TBESC Cycles

TBESC-II (2011-2021)

TBESC-II focused on strategies and tools to increase diagnosis and treatment of latent TB infection in populations at high risk of TB infection or progression to TB disease.

TBESC-I (2001-2011)

TBESC-I focused on programmatically relevant epidemiologic, behavioral, economic, laboratory, and operational research for TB prevention and control.


TBESC-III objectives include:

  • Identify primary care settings that serve non-U.S.–born persons at elevated risk for TB infection.
  • Collect retrospective and prospective electronic medical record data.
  • Design and implement primary-care–based interventions to improve performance measures across the latent TB infection care cascade.
  • Monitor and evaluate intervention performance over time to identify efficient and effective strategies to prevent TB disease.
  • Estimate the potential health and economic impacts of TBESC-III clinical care-based interventions.

What we've accomplished


TBESC-II conducted three main studies (with six sub-studies) evaluating TB blood and skin tests, describing the latent TB infection care cascade, and identifying latent TB infection care cascade gaps, barriers, and facilitators.


TBESC-I conducted 29 studies on topics ranging from the molecular epidemiology of multidrug-resistant TB disease to the cost of TB disease in urban health departments.

Funded partners

The organizations awarded contracts for TBESC-III are:

  • Denver Health and Hospital Authority
    • Principal Investigator (PI): Kaylynn Aiona, PhD, MPH;
  • Public Health – Seattle & King County
    • PI: Masa Narita, MD;
  • The Regents of the University of California, San Francisco
    • PI: Priya Shete, MD, MPH; and
  • RTI International
    • PI: Carolina Barbosa, PharmD, PhD.