Clinical Overview of Tuberculosis Disease

At a glance

  • Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by a bacterium called Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis).
  • TB bacteria usually attack the lungs, but TB bacteria can attack any part of the body such as the kidney, spine, and brain.
  • If not treated properly, TB disease can be fatal.
A healthcare provider reviewing X-ray of the lungs.


Not everyone infected with TB bacteria becomes sick. As a result, two TB-related conditions exist: latent TB infection (also called inactive TB) and TB disease.

People with TB disease:

  • Have a large amount of active TB bacteria in their body
  • May spread TB bacteria to others
  • May feel sick, and may have symptoms such as a cough, fever, and/or weight loss
  • Usually have a positive TB blood test or TB skin test result indicating TB infection
  • May have abnormal chest radiographs
  • May have positive sputum smears and cultures
  • Need treatment for TB disease
  • May require respiratory isolation


Health care providers should promptly report all presumed or confirmed cases of TB disease to the state or local health department (unless state laws indicate otherwise).

Eliminating TB disease in the United States

Current TB control measures are critical to eliminating TB disease in the United States. These include:

  • Early identification of TB disease
  • Prompt treatment for people with TB disease in accordance with national guidelines
  • Ensuring that people with TB disease complete treatment

It is also critical to prevent TB disease through testing and treatment of people with latent TB infection.


TB disease occurs when tubercle bacilli overwhelm the immune system of someone with latent TB infection and multiply.

If a person is infected with TB bacteria, and the immune system cannot keep the tubercle bacilli under control, the bacilli will multiply rapidly, causing TB disease. This process can occur in different areas in the body, such as the lungs, kidneys, brain, or bone.

The progression from latent TB infection to TB disease may occur at any time, but it is most common within the first two years of infection, or in people who have weaker immune systems because of certain medications or medical conditions (such as diabetes, cancer, or HIV).

Without treatment, approximately 5% of persons who have been infected with TB bacteria will develop TB disease in the first two years after infection, and another 5% will develop TB disease sometime later in life.

TB disease can occur in pulmonary and extrapulmonary sites.

Pulmonary TB disease affects the lungs. People with pulmonary TB disease usually have a cough and an abnormal chest radiograph. They may be infectious. Most TB cases are pulmonary.

Extrapulmonary TB disease occurs in places other than the lungs, including the larynx, the lymph nodes, the pleura, the brain, the kidneys, or the bones and joints. TB disease can occur anywhere in the body. People with extrapulmonary TB disease are usually not infectious unless they have:

  • Pulmonary disease in addition to extrapulmonary disease;
  • Extrapulmonary disease located in the oral cavity or the larynx; or
  • Extrapulmonary disease that includes an open abscess or lesion in which the concentration of organisms is high, especially if drainage from the abscess or lesion is extensive or drainage fluid is aerosolized.

People with HIV often have extrapulmonary TB disease and pulmonary TB disease.

Miliary TB disease is a rare but serious condition that occurs when tubercle bacilli enter the bloodstream and disseminate to all parts of the body, where they grow and cause disease in multiple sites. "Miliary" refers to the radiograph appearance of millet seeds scattered through the lung. It is more common in infants and children younger than 5 years of age and in severely immunocompromised people, but anyone could be affected.

Miliary TB disease may be detected in an individual organ (including the brain), in several organs, or throughout the whole body. It is fatal if untreated. Up to 25% of patients with miliary TB disease may have meningeal involvement.

TB meningitis occurs in the tissue surrounding the brain or spinal cord. It is often seen at the base of the brain on imaging studies. In many cases, patients with meningitis have abnormalities on a chest radiograph consistent with old or current TB disease, and they often have miliary TB disease.

Drug-resistant TB disease is caused by M. tuberculosis organisms that are resistant to the drugs normally used to treat the disease. Drug-resistant TB disease is transmitted in the same way as drug-susceptible TB disease, and it is as infectious as drug-susceptible TB disease.

However, delay in the recognition of drug resistance or prolonged periods of infectiousness may facilitate increased transmission and further development of drug resistance.

Risk factors

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People at risk for TB fall into two broad categories:

  • People who are at higher risk of exposure to TB bacteria
  • People who are at higher risk of developing TB disease once infected with TB bacteria

  • Contacts of people known or presumed to have infectious TB disease
  • People who were born in or who frequently travel to countries where TB disease is common
  • People who currently live or used to live in large group settings where TB is more common, such as homeless shelters, correctional facilities, or nursing homes
  • Employees of high-risk congregate settings
  • Health care workers who serve patients with TB disease
  • Populations defined locally as having an increased incidence of latent TB infection or TB disease, possibly including medically underserved populations, low-income populations, or persons with alcohol use or substance use disorders
  • Infants, children, and adolescents exposed to adults who are at increased risk for latent TB infection or TB disease

  • People with HIV
  • Children younger than 5 years of age
  • People recently infected with TB bacteria (within the last 2 years)
  • People with a history of untreated or inadequately treated TB disease
  • People who are receiving immunosuppressive therapy such as tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF) antagonists, systemic corticosteroids equivalent to/greater than 15 mg of prednisone per day, or immunosuppressive drug therapy following organ transplantation
  • People with silicosis; chronic renal failure; leukemia; or cancer of the head, neck, or lung
  • People with diabetes mellitus
  • People who have had a gastrectomy or jejunoileal bypass
  • People with low body weight (<90% of ideal body weight)
  • People who use substances (such as injection drug use)
  • Populations defined locally as having an increased incidence of TB disease, including medically underserved and low-income populations

How it spreads

Infectious bacteria are generated when a person with pulmonary or laryngeal TB disease coughs, speaks, or sings. Depending on the environment, these bacteria can remain suspended in the air for several hours. TB bacteria are transmitted through the air, not by surface contact.

Transmission occurs when a person inhales TB bacteria, and the bacteria traverse the mouth or nasal passages, upper respiratory tract, and bronchi to reach the alveoli of the lungs.

An animated graphic shows TB germs spreading from one person to another
TB bacteria spread through the air from one person to another.

Factors that determine the probability of transmission

Not everyone who is exposed to a person with infectious TB disease becomes infected. There are four factors that determine the probability of transmission of TB bacteria.

  1. Susceptibility (immune status) of the exposed individual
  2. Infectiousness of the person with TB disease, which is directly related to the number of tubercle bacilli that they expel into the air
  3. Environmental factors (such as space, ventilation, circulation, etc.) that affect the concentration of TB bacteria in the air
  4. Exposure factors, including duration, frequency, and physical proximity to the person with TB disease

Disease rates

In 2023, the United States reported 9,633 TB cases of TB disease, representing a 15.6% increase in case count compared with 2022. The incidence rate was 2.9 cases per 100,000 persons, a 15.0% increase in incidence rate compared with 2022.

Keep Reading: Tuberculosis Data

Signs and symptoms

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Not everyone with TB disease has signs and symptoms. When the onset of TB disease is gradual, a person who has TB disease might not notice the symptoms because they seem mild and do not interfere with daily activities. However, most individuals with TB disease have one or more symptoms that lead them to seek medical care. Symptoms of TB disease may vary depending on the part of the body affected.

  • Cough (especially lasting for 3 weeks or longer)
  • Coughing up sputum or blood (hemoptysis)
  • Chest pain
  • Loss of appetite
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Night Sweats
  • Fever
  • Fatigue

Extrapulmonary TB disease, which affects organs in addition to or instead of the lungs, may cause symptoms related to the part of the body that is affected. For example, TB disease of the spine may cause back pain, TB disease of the kidney may cause blood in the urine, and TB meningitis may cause headache or confusion.


People with latent TB infection can be treated to prevent the development of TB disease. While not everyone with latent TB infection will develop TB disease, about 5%–10% of people with latent TB infection will develop TB disease if not treated.

Progression from untreated latent TB infection to TB disease accounts for approximately 80% of U.S. TB cases. Treatment substantially reduces the risk that a person infected with TB bacteria will progress to TB disease.

Testing and diagnosis

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All persons with symptoms of TB disease, a positive TB blood test (interferon-gamma release assay [IGRA]) result or a positive tuberculin skin test (TST) result should be medically evaluated for TB disease.

A complete medical evaluation for TB disease has five components:

A review of systems (medical history) to determine whether the patient:

  • Has been exposed to TB bacteria,
  • Has been treated for latent TB infection or TB disease in the past, or
  • Has medical conditions that should be considered during the evaluation and subsequent treatment.

A physical examination cannot be used to confirm or rule out TB disease. However, it is an essential part of any evaluation and can:

  • Provide valuable information about the patient's overall condition
  • Inform the method of diagnosis
  • Reveal factors that may affect treatment if the patient is diagnosed with TB disease

There are two types of tests that are used to determine if a person has been infected with TB bacteria:

Selecting a test

Health care providers should use newer TB blood tests to detect latent TB infection. TB blood tests are preferred for people who have received the BCG vaccine and people who might be less likely to return for TB skin test reading and interpretation. TB skin tests are an acceptable alternative in situations where a TB blood test is not available, is too costly, or is too burdensome.

A negative test result does not rule out TB disease or latent TB infection

Some patients with TB disease may have a negative result from a TB blood test or TB skin test. If a patient has symptoms of TB disease, health care providers should not wait for TB blood test or TB skin test results before starting other diagnostic tests.

The chest radiograph (x-ray) is useful for diagnosis because pulmonary TB is the most common form of TB disease. A chest radiograph can:

  • Rule out the possibility of pulmonary TB disease in a person who has a positive TB blood test or TB skin test result, but no symptoms of TB disease
  • Check for lung abnormalities in people who have symptoms of TB disease

Abnormal findings on chest radiograph cannot confirm a person has TB disease, but they support the diagnosis.

Clinical specimens (for example, sputum or urine) are examined and cultured (grown) in the laboratory for the bacteriologic examination. TB bacteriologic examination is done in a laboratory that specifically deals with M. tuberculosis and other mycobacteria (a mycobacteriology laboratory). State TB programs can provide consultation and additional information on bacteriologic testing for TB.

The bacteriologic examination has five parts:

  1. Specimen collection
  2. Examination of smears for acid-fast bacilli
  3. Direct detection of TB bacteria in the specimen using a nucleic acid amplification test
  4. Specimen culturing and identification of growth
  5. Drug susceptibility testing (including genetic testing for genes or mutations that indicate possible drug resistance)

Treatment and recovery

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Treating TB disease benefits the patient and the community by:

  • Curing the patient,
  • Minimizing risk for death and disability,
  • Reducing transmission of TB bacteria to other people, and
  • Preventing acquisition of drug resistance during treatment, when a recommended regimen is administered to completion within its recommended timeframe.

Given full treatment with a recommended regimen, almost all patients will recover and be cured.

Treatment regimens for TB disease consist of an intensive treatment phase followed by a continuation phase.

If treatment is not continued for a long enough time, the surviving bacilli may cause TB disease in the patient later. The possibility of drug resistance increases if too many doses are missed during the period of treatment, especially if the patient is taking only some of the medicines instead of all of them.

  • The intensive phase is used to kill actively growing TB bacilli. This phase of treatment is crucial for preventing emergence of drug resistance and determining the ultimate regimen outcome. For most patients, it brings relief from the disabling symptoms of TB disease.
  • The continuation phase is designed to eliminate remaining TB bacilli and to reduce treatment failure and relapse.

There are several treatment regimens recommended in the United States

Treatment for drug-susceptible TB disease can take 4, 6, or 9 months depending on the regimen. Regimens include:

4-month rifapentine-moxifloxacin regimen

The 4-month rifapentine-moxifloxacin TB treatment regimen consists of:

  • Isoniazid (H),
  • Rifapentine (P),
  • Pyrazinamide (Z), and
  • Moxifloxacin (M),

The 4-month rifapentine-moxifloxacin regimen (2HPZM/2HPM) has an intensive phase of 2 months, followed by a continuation phase of 2 months and 1 week (a total of 17 weeks for treatment).

6- or 9-month regimens

The 6- to 9-month TB treatment regimens consist of:

  • Isoniazid (H),
  • Rifampin (R),
  • Pyrazinamide (Z), and
  • Ethambutol (E).

These regimens for treating TB disease have an intensive phase of 2 months, followed by a continuation phase of either 4 or 7 months (total of 6 to 9 months for treatment).

The goal of treatment for TB disease should be to provide the safest and most effective therapy for the shortest period. Health care providers should choose the appropriate TB treatment regimen based on:

  • Drug-susceptibility results,
  • Coexisting medical conditions, and
  • Potential for drug-drug interactions.

TB disease treatment regimens for patients with special considerations (including patients who are pregnant or breastfeeding, infants and children, people with HIV, and drug-resistant TB disease) require special management and should be administered in consultation with a TB expert. In some circumstances, the organ site of TB disease is also a factor in the treatment regimen and duration of treatment.

Need expert TB medical consultation?

State TB programs and the TB Centers of Excellence for Training, Education, and Medical Consultation provide assistance and support for health care providers treating patients for TB disease.

Baseline monitoring

Before starting treatment, adult patients should have certain baseline blood and vision tests to help detect any underlying problems that can complicate treatment. For pediatric patients, only vision tests are necessary unless other medical conditions exist that might complicate treatment.

Monitoring during treatment

Patients being treated for TB disease should have clinical evaluations at least monthly to assess medication adherence and to identify possible adverse reactions to medications.

Adverse reactions to anti-TB drugs are relatively rare, but for certain patients, they can be severe. Consult a TB medical expert to assist in managing serious adverse reactions Mild adverse effects can usually be managed by adjusting the timing of the medications, by taking the medications with food, or by symptomatic therapy.

Health care providers must ensure patients with TB disease follow the recommended treatment course in order to treat TB disease and prevent the infection from becoming drug resistant. Health care providers should consult their state or local TB program to help identify strategies to help patients complete treatment.

CDC recommends directly observed therapy (DOT) as the standard of care for treating TB disease. During DOT, a health care worker observes (in-person or virtually) patients ingest their medications, monitors them for adverse events, and provides social support.

Case definitions

TB is a nationally notifiable disease, and reporting is mandated in all states.

Health care providers should comply with state and local laws and regulations requiring the reporting of TB disease. All persons with clinically active or presumed TB disease should be reported promptly to the local or state health department.

For public health, a case of TB disease is defined as an episode of TB disease in a person meeting the laboratory or clinical criteria for TB as defined by the Tuberculosis Case Definition for Public Health Surveillance.

The medical criteria for diagnosing TB disease might be different from the surveillance criteria in some instances. Contact your state TB program for more information.
