Data Sources

As part of Stage 1, CDC reviewed existing data sources as well as newly emerging and future data sources and tools that could potentially be useful for surveillance of multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and other neurological conditions. Assessing the contributions of each of these sources as well as other sources identified over time will help NNCSS surveillance to remain state-of-the-art and interoperable with other surveillance systems.

Traditional Data Sources

Administrative data

  • Claims (Medicare, Medicaid, commercial)
  • Hospital discharge

Survey data

  • National Center for Health Statistics
  • Other

Vital records

  • Deaths
  • Live births
New Data Sources and Methods

Widely Available

  • Electronic health (medical) records


  • Linking electronic health records and claims
  • Exploring the value of machine learning for increasing efficiencies
  • Collaborations with clinical networks and registries
  • Electronic case reporting