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CDC’s State Chronic Disease Epidemiology Assignee Program History

Map shows Illinois and Arizona as current assignees. Alaska, Arkansas, California, Deleware, Idaho, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, North Dakota, New Jersey, Virginia, West Virginia, Wyoming and District of Columbia as no assignees and the rest as past assignees.

States that have hosted an assignee through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s State Chronic Disease Epidemiology Assignee Program, 1991–2020.

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CDC Direct Assistance for Funding a State Chronic Disease Epidemiologist

Through direct assistance from CDC, a chronic disease epidemiologist is assigned to a state for one year or longer, depending on the state’s needs and funding availability. For more information about the direct assistance mechanism, please visit CDC’s webpage on direct assistance.

  1. Frey CA, Remington PL, Lengerich E. Evaluation of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s chronic disease state-based epidemiology for public health program support (STEPPS) program. J Public Health Manag Pract 2003;9(4):266-74.
  2. Calanan RM, Sandoval-Rosario M, Price JD, Samanic CM, Lu H, Barbour KE. Achieving Excellence in the Practice of Chronic Disease Epidemiology. Prev Chronic Dis. 2018 Nov 29;15:E146.
  3. Duffy RE, Siegel, PZ. Increasing chronic disease epidemiology capacity without increasing workforce: a success story in Ohio. J Public Health Manag Pract. 2009 Mar-Apr;15(2):123-6.
  4. Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists. Chronic Disease Epidemiologist Orientation Manual: A Resource for Applied Epidemiologists. Atlanta, GA: CSTE; 2015.
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