At a glance
- An energy drink contains large amounts of caffeine.
- Students consume energy drinks for extra energy.
- 30%–50% of adolescents are reported to consume energy drinks.
- Energy drinks can have harmful effects.
- The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that adolescents do not consume energy drinks.

Why it's an issue
An energy drink typically contains large amounts of caffeine, added sugars, other additives, and legal stimulants (guarana, taurine, and L-carnitine). The legal stimulants can increase alertness, attention, energy. They can also increase blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing.
Energy drinks are often used by students for an energy boost. However, the stimulants in these drinks can have a harmful effect on the nervous system.
The potential dangers of energy drinks
In 2011, 1,499 adolescents aged 12–17 years went to the emergency room for an energy-drink–related emergency.
Some of the dangers of energy drinks include:
- Dehydration (not enough water in your body).
- Heart complications (such as irregular heartbeat and heart failure).
- Anxiety (feeling nervous and jittery).
- Insomnia (inability to sleep).
How much caffeine is okay?
What you can do
- Teachers and other school staff can educate students about the danger of consuming too much caffeine, including energy drinks.
- Coaches can educate athletes about the difference between energy drinks and sports drinks—and potential dangers of highly caffeinated beverages.
- School nutrition staff can provide healthy beverages such as fat-free/low-fat milk, water, and 100% juice (if a la carte items are sold in the cafeteria).
- Parents, school staff, and community members can:
- Join the school or district wellness committee that sets the policies for health and wellness.
- Establish or revise nutrition standards to address the sale and marketing of energy drinks in school settings.
- Join the school or district wellness committee that sets the policies for health and wellness.
- Everyone can model good behavior by not drinking energy drinks in front of kids.
Fast facts: access to energy drinks at school
- As many as 11.6% of secondary schools in some districts sell energy drinks in vending machines, school stores, and snack bars.
- Nationwide, 75% of school districts do not have a policy about these types of highly caffeinated drinks for sale at schools. The drinks may be in high school vending machines, school stores, or a la carte in the cafeteria.
- Seifert SM, Schaechter JL, Hershorin ER, Lipshultz SE. Health effects of energy drinks on children, adolescents, and young adults. Pediatrics. 2011:127(3), 511-528.
- Committee on Nutrition and the Council on Sports Medicine and Fitness. Sports drinks and energy drinks for children and adolescents: are they appropriate? Pediatrics. 2011;127(6):1182–1189.
- Pomeranz JL, Munsell CR, Harris JL. Energy drinks: an emerging public health hazard for youth. J Public Health Policy. 2013;34(2):254–271.
- Ishak WW, Ugochukwu C, Bagot K, Khalili D, Zaky C. Energy drinks: psychological effects and impact on well-being and quality of life—a literature review. Innov Clin Neurosci. 2012;9(1):25–34.
- Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality. The DAWN Report: Update on Emergency Department Visits Involving Energy Drinks: A Continuing Public Health Concern. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration; 2013.
- Demissie Z, Brener N, McManus T, Shanklin SL, Hawkins J, Kann L. School Health Profiles 2014: Characteristics of Health Programs Among Secondary Schools. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; 2015.
- Chriqui J, Resnick E, Schneider L, et al. School District Wellness Policies: Evaluating Progress and Potential for Improving Children's Health Five Years After the Federal Mandate. School Years 2006-07 through 2010–11. Bridging the Gap Program, Health Policy Center, Institute for Health Research and Policy, University of Illinois at Chicago; 2013.
- Heckman MA, Weil J, Gonzalez de Mejia E. Caffeine (1, 3, 7-trimethylxanthine) in foods: a comprehensive review on consumption, functionality, safety, and regulatory matters. J Food Sci. 2010;75(3):R77–R87.
- National Federation of State High School Associations. Position Statement and Recommendations for the Use of Energy Drinks by Young Athletes. National Federation of State High School Associations, Sports Medicine Advisory Committee; 2014.