Arthritis in Rural America

Key points

  • Arthritis describes over 100 conditions that affect the joints, tissues around the joint, and other connective tissues.
  • More than 1 in 3 adults in rural areas have arthritis.
  • Community-based physical activity programs in rural areas can help adults manage arthritis pain.
Woman Experiencing Pain in her hand


CDC research finds that one-third of adults in the most rural areas in the United States have arthritis, which includes more than 100 conditions that affect the joints, tissues around the joint, and other connective tissues. Specific symptoms vary depending on the type of arthritis, but usually include joint pain and stiffness. More than one-half of adults with arthritis are limited in their everyday activities by the condition.

Arthritis has a profound economic, societal and personal impact. Medical care costs and earnings losses among adults with arthritis were over $303 billion in 2013. Medical care costs include prescriptions. In 2013, US adults with arthritis comprised more than half (53%) of all US adults taking prescribed opioids.

CDC arthritis banner.
CDC studies arthritis cases in communities around America.


Cost of Arthritis
Medical expenditures and earnings losses

Physical Activity Programs
More information from CDC

Walk with Ease
Osteoarthritis Action Alliance