2023-24 Nirsevimab Receipt and Intent for Infants

At a glance

Monthly estimates of receipt and intent for nirsevimab receipt are reported from the National Immunization Survey-Adult COVID Module (NIS─ACM).

Nirsevimab Receipt and Intent for Infants

Monthly estimates of receipt and intent for nirsevimab reported by adult females aged 18–49 years with infants under the age of 8 months, female aged 18─49 who are currently pregnant, and females aged 18─49 years who or are currently trying to get pregnant using data from the National Immunization Survey–Adult COVID Module (NIS–ACM). The NIS–ACM is an ongoing random-digit-dial cellular telephone survey of households with adults 18 years and older. All estimates are based upon parent-reported receipt of nirsevimab.

  • Figure 6. Monthly Nirsevimab Receipt and Intent Among Females Aged 18-49 Years Who Have an Infant <8 Months, Are Currently Pregnant, or Are Trying to Get Pregnant, United States*,†. Data Source: National Immunization Survey–Adult COVID Module.

Note: Confidence Intervals (CI) describe the level of uncertainty around an estimate because a sample was taken. 95% CIs represent the range of values that would result if the data collection had been repeated many times. For a 95% confidence interval, if the sampling method is repeated many times, the true value would fall within this interval at least 95% of the time. Wider CIs reflect larger random error in estimates resulting from survey sampling.

Estimates from the NIS-ACM may differ from estimates based on other data sources, and in addition to random error associated with taking a sample, are subject to errors resulting from incomplete sample frame (exclusion of households without cell phones), selection bias (survey respondents may be more likely to be vaccinated than non-respondents), and errors in self reported vaccination status. Estimates are weighted to selected sociodemographic characteristics of the U.S. population to reduce possible bias from incomplete sample frame and selection bias.

Estimates of nirsevimab receipt by infants <8 months at time of interview include those who were born shortly before or are entering their first RSV season and do not account for the mother’s RSV vaccination status during pregnancy (Healthcare Providers: RSV Immunization for Children 19 Months and Younger | CDC).

Nirsevimab receipt by the infant or intent for receipt is only asked for female survey respondents aged 18-49 years; estimates may not be representative of households with children <8 months without a female 18-49 years in the household, for which the survey respondent was a female age 50 years or more, or had a male survey respondent aged 18 or more years. Timing of pregnancy is not assessed in the NIS-ACM, and not all pregnant respondents will have an infant born during RSV season and eligible to receive nirsevimab.

*National estimates include 50 states, Washington D.C., Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands.

†Estimates are based on interviews conducted during Sunday through Saturday weeks assigned to the monthly analytic period, which may include some dates in the month before or after the specified analytic month. Unlike the weekly RSV vaccination coverage estimates, they are not cumulative estimates based on all interviews conducted to date.