Contributing Factor Definitions

At a glance

Review technical definitions for the 30 contributing factors for foodborne illness outbreaks, organized around the three types of contributing factors (contamination, proliferation, and survival). Staff from CDC, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and state health departments helped revise these contributing factors to show how foodborne illness outbreaks evolve.

Three types of contributing factors: contamination, proliferation, and survival.

Old definitions


Participants in our National Environmental Assessment Reporting System (NEARS) started using these revised contributing factor definitions as of January 1, 2022, for outbreaks occurring in 2022 or later. The 2009-2021 definitions are still available for reporting outbreaks that started before 2022.


Contamination contributing factors are factors that introduce or otherwise permit contamination of food. These factors relate to how the etiologic agent got onto or into the food.


For bacterial and fungal outbreaks only.

Proliferation contributing factors are factors that allow proliferation of etiologic agents. These factors relate to how the pathogen was able to increase in numbers and/or produce toxic products before the food was ingested.


For bacterial, viral, parasitic, or fungal outbreaks only.

Survival factors are factors that allow pathogens to survive or that fail to inactivate the contaminant. These factors relate to processes that should have killed or reduced the pathogen population to below an infectious dose but did not because of one of these factors.