Radiation Response Briefing Manual: A Guide for Key Leaders and Public Health Decision Makers


A Guide for Key Leaders and Public Health Decision Makers

Briefing Manual Cover Page
Format: PDF
Language: English (US)
Size: 20 MB



During a radiation emergency, state and local authorities will need to assess the degree of the hazard quickly and issue the appropriate protective actions to people in the affected area. This briefing manual is intended to serve as a just-in-time training for key decision makers. The goal of this briefing manual is to quickly enhance your awareness of the following topics:

  • Radiation hazards
  • Types of radiation emergencies
  • Roles and responsibilities of various response agencies
  • Decisions that need to be made to protect the public
  • Response phases
  • State and federal radiation response assets
  • Important planning and guidance documents


This guide provides a just-in-time overview of radiation hazards and response considerations for radiation emergencies. It is intended to give you a working knowledge of radiation emergency response, so that you can ask the right questions, work effectively with partner agencies, and make informed decisions. This guide is not a substitute for coordinating emergency planning and response activities with radiation professionals.

Target audience

The intended audience for this document includes public health officials, emergency managers, and elected officials involved in planning for and managing the public health response to a radiation emergency.