National Health Initiatives, Strategies & Action Plans

At a glance

A collection of national public health initiatives, strategies, and action plans covering topics like chronic disease, emergency preparedness, and health disparities. The material can guide the development of local plans and prioritizes public health efforts addressing the nation's health challenges.

Four individuals gathering together to discuss business.

About these resources

This section presents a collection of national public health initiatives, strategies, and action plans, categorized by health topics. These documents are crafted by expert groups and stakeholders, setting strategic priorities to tackle the most significant health challenges faced by the nation.

These resources are valuable for creating state or local plans, prioritizing public health activities, guiding funding proposals, and generating materials that align with national public health objectives.

For more details on guidelines or recommendations issued by the CDC, its federal advisory committees, or those developed in collaboration with other organizations or agencies, please visit Guidelines and Recommendations.

Alzheimer's Disease

Chronic Disease

Cross-Cutting Topics

Emergency Preparedness & Response

Environmental Health

Health Disparities

Health IT

Healthcare Quality

Heart Disease & Stroke


Infectious Disease

Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria

Healthcare-Associated Infections



Influenza (Flu)


Injury & Violence Prevention (Child Safety, Highway Safety, Occupational Safety, Suicide, Violence)

Reproductive Health

Smoking & Tobacco Use

Vector-Borne Diseases

New Health Officials: Resources