What to know
The following tips will help you use the Pathway to Practice (P2P) Resource Center application.
Use the Pathway to Practice (P2P) Resource Center application to search for tools and resources produced by CDC-funded Prevention Research Center (PRC) research projects. Community organizations and public health practitioners can tailor these resources to identify, replicate, and see key aspects of successful public health programs and inspire others to expand the uptake and use of evidence-based interventions.
Entering the search criteria
When you access the P2P Resource Center application, the system displays the entire list of resources available in the system. By default, the search field is empty and no search criteria is applied to the list. You can narrow your search by entering specific keyword(s) and selecting search categories. At the top of the results list, the system displays the number of resources that matched your search criteria that was applied to the results, if any.
To clear all search criteria entered and return the page to its default settings, click the Reset Search button.
Keyword Search
Use the Keyword field to search for specific keyword(s) in the resource. The system will search for the keyword(s) within the available fields in the resource.
Single Keyword Search
If you enter a single keyword, e.g., "prostate", the system searches within the title and description fields and returns all resources that contain the word "prostate".
- After you type a search term into the search field, you must press Enter or click the magnifying glass icon.
- To remove a keyword that you entered, click the eraser icon next to the field or highlight the text, and click Delete.
Multiple Keywords Search
If you enter multiple words or a phrase in the search field, the system performs an exact search and returns resources that contain the exact phrase.
Example 1:
Keywords: prostate cancer
The system returns only articles that contain prostate AND cancer. The keywords must occur in the resource in the specific order entered. Meaning that an article may contain the words "prostate" and "cancer" but will not display in the results if the two words do not appear together as "prostate cancer". Both keywords must be present in the resource in order for the resource to appear in the results. A resource that contains one of the two keywords will not be returned.
Example 2:
Keywords: cancer prostate
The system returns only resources that contain "cancer prostate". The results may differ greatly from the results displayed in Example 1 since the words or phrase must occur in the resource in the specific order entered.
Applying search categories
Use the search categories and subcategories to display only resources that have been assigned to a selected category or subcategory. To retrieve resources that have been assigned to one or more category and/or subcategory, select the check boxes corresponding to the category and/or subcategory you want. If you select multiple categories and/or subcategories, the system returns a list of resources that have been assigned to the selected category and/or subcategory.
- To select a subcategory, click on a category to display the subcategories, and then select as desired.
- Multiple categories and/or subcategories may be selected and deselected. Selecting multiple search categories and/or subcategories will return records that contain all the applied search categories and/or subcategories.
Viewing the search results
The system displays the results of your search in a table. To view all the columns in the results table, use the scroll bar at the bottom of the table to scroll to the right.
Sorting the search results
When you run a search, the system displays the following columns in the results: Title, Associated PRC, Resource Publication Year, Project Year Range, Type of Resource, Description, File Type, Audience for Resource, Health Topics, Population Characteristics, Social Determinants of Health, Applied Settings, Geographic Identifier, Primary Goal of Resource, Contact/Email, Link to Resource. The default sort order is ascending alphabetical (A to Z, 1 to 9) by resource title. You can sort the results in different ways by clicking on the column titles. To sort the column in descending order (Z to A, 9 to 1), click the down arrow in the column title.
Viewing resource details
To view the resource details, click on the resource and click the View Details button to view the details for the resource, e.g., description, contact information, associated PRC, resource link, resource publication year or project year range, resource type, etc.
To view the resource, click the link displayed in the Resource field at the top right corner of the page. The resource is displayed in a new window.
To return to the results, click the arrow at the top of the resource details page.