General Legal Epidemiology Competencies

At a glance

The figures below explain the tiers of the legal epidemiology competency models. Read these table to learn about the models for domains, competencies, and key behaviors.

Figure 1—Domain 1: General Legal Epidemiology Competencies Model

Domain 1: General Legal Epidemiology Competencies
Competency Statement 1

Articulate the importance of legal epidemiology concepts to inform health, fiscal, administrative, legal, social, and political research and discourse

Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3

1.1.1a: Conduct background research on a problem in terms of public health burden, including burdens, disparities, and applicable laws and policies 1.1.2a: Identify key sources of data for legal epidemiology purposes 1.1.3a: Identify needs for health, fiscal, administrative, legal, social, and political research
1.1.1b: Define and describe basic legal epidemiology principles and concepts 1.1.2b: Link legal epidemiology concepts to existing and planned public health activities and programs 1.1.3b: Explain legal epidemiology concepts to transdisciplinary collaborations, partnerships, and team building
1.1.1c: Identify opportunities to include legal epidemiology principles in existing organizational activities 1.1.2c: Identify opportunities to incorporate legal epidemiology principles in cross-sector collaborations, funding applications, and outreach 1.1.3c: Promote legal epidemiology principles and concepts in organizational strategic planning processes and in policy agendas for federal, state, tribal, local, territorial, and global public health programs, as well as nongovernmental organizations and academic programs
Competency Statement 2

Apply legal epidemiology principles to research studies, funding opportunities, and policy agendas

Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3

1.2.1a: Apply basic ethical and legal principles pertaining to the collection, maintenance, use, and dissemination of legal epidemiology data 1.2.2a: Determine study processes and outcomes (timeline, Institutional Review Board coordination, publications) 1.2.3a: Ensure relevant approvals are obtained for research studies
1.2.1b: Serve as a member of a transdisciplinary legal epidemiology research team 1.2.2b: Assemble a transdisciplinary legal epidemiology research team across disciplines, including assignment of roles and responsibilities 1.2.3b: Manage a transdisciplinary legal epidemiology research team
1.2.1c: Collaborate across relevant disciplines to effectively use the resources allocated for specific legal epidemiology studies 1.2.2c: Assign available resources to activities needed to support high quality legal epidemiology research 1.2.3c: Allocate funding for legal epidemiology studies within new or existing programs
1.2.1d: Draft study documentation, including scoping information and legal epidemiology research protocols, codebooks, and data sheets 1.2.2d: Recommend study documentation processes to finalize coding schemes and research protocols 1.2.3d: Oversee the completion of study documentation
Competency Statement 3

Communicate legal epidemiology findings, methodologies, and recommendations to lay and professional audiences

Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3

1.3.1a: Contribute to research papers, articles, reports, or abstracts 1.3.2a: Author research papers, articles, reports, and abstracts 1.3.3a: Conceptualize a strategy for the development and dissemination of written, oral, and graphic materials
1.3.1b: Create audience-appropriate oral and visual presentations 1.3.2b: Recommend audience-appropriate communication methods for the dissemination of legal epidemiology materials
1.3.1c: Communicate legal epidemiology methods and analyses for feedback and critique 1.3.2c: Identify opportunities to disseminate methods and processes for critique 1.3:3b: Participate in peer review of findings by soliciting and receiving feedback
1.3.1d: Identify actionable next steps on the basis of legal epidemiology findings to advance health outcomes 1.3.2d: Develop recommendations from research relevant to diverse audiences 1.3.3c: Partner with stakeholders to ensure that legal epidemiology findings are used to inform public health practice
Competency Statement 4

Analyze the use of legal epidemiology findings to inform health, fiscal, administrative, legal, social, and political activities

Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3

1.4.1a: Document evidence about the influence of legal epidemiology studies in informing the ongoing debate on or reform of related laws or legal mechanisms 1.4.2a: Recognize needs for legal epidemiology studies to inform ongoing debate and reform of related laws or legal mechanisms 1.4.3a: Monitor and evaluate legal epidemiology findings for their effectiveness and impact
1.4.3b: Identify opportunities for replication, update, and/or expansion of existing legal epidemiology studies
Competencies for Legal Evaluation Studies