PHIN Vocabulary

At a glance

PHIN Vocabulary Standards is a key component in supporting the development and deployment of standards-based public health information systems. PHIN Vocabulary Services seeks to promote the use of standards-based vocabulary within PHIN systems and foster the use and exchange of consistent information among public health partners.

Computers communicating with one another


The use of PHIN Vocabulary Standards ensures that vocabularies are aligned with PHIN standards and with appropriate industry and Consolidated Health Informatics Initiative (CHI) vocabulary standards. These standards are supported by the PHIN Vocabulary Access and Distribution System (VADS) for accessing, searching, and distributing standards-based vocabularies used within PHIN to local, state and national PHIN partners. It promotes the use of standards-based vocabulary within PHIN systems to support the exchange of consistent information among Public Health Partners.

PHIN Vocabulary Services strives to enable the consistent and accurate representation of information by encouraging and supporting the use of Vocabulary Standards to promote semantic interoperability among public health systems. Working with Standard Development Organization (SDOs) terminology experts and other subject matter experts, PHIN Services actively participates in the development and identification of vocabularies important to the public health arena. SDOs include Systematized Nomenclature for Medicine (SNOMED), Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC), Health Level 7 (HL7), Consolidated Health Informatics Initiative (CHI), Health Information Technology Initiative (HITSP) and American Health Information Community (AHIC).

PHIN Vocabulary Access and Distribution System (PHIN VADS)

PHIN VADS is a web-based enterprise vocabulary system for accessing, searching, and distributing vocabularies used within the PHIN. To learn more and access the PHIN VADS system, visit the PHIN VADS Resource page.

Influenza HL7 2.5 Message Mapping Guide Vocabulary Workbooks

  1. Influenza Summary Case Notification
  2. Influenza-Associated Pediatric Mortality Case Notification
  3. Influenza Individual Case Notification

Please visit the Data Interchange Standards website for more information.

CDC Developed Code Systems

Following are code systems that have been developed internally within the CDC:

  1. Race & Ethnicity Code System – CDCREC 1.0 – Code System created: 03/31/2000
  2. Race & Ethnicity Code System – CDCREC 1.2 – Content last updated: 07/08/2021
  3. Race & Ethnicity Code System – CDCREC 1.3 – Content last updated: 12/4/2024
  4. Race & Ethnicity Code System Background & Purpose – CDCREC v1.0
  5. CDCREC 1.3 Background Paper – Content last updated: 11/21/2024
  6. CDCREC 1.3 Background and Purpose – Content last updated: 11/21/2024
  7. Health Care Service Locations – Content last updated: 12/21/2017
  8. Vaccines Administered (HL7 Standard Code Set CVX) – Code system last updated: 6/12/2024
  9. Vaccine Manufacturers (HL7 Standard Code Set MVX) – Code system last updated: 11/1/2023