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Chagas Disease: What U.S. Clinicians Need to Know
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Chronic phase of Chagas disease

Chagas heart disease results from a chronic inflammatory process that involves all chambers and damage to the conduction system.

The pathogenesis is hypothesized to involve parasite persistence in cardiac tissue and immune-mediated myocardial injury.

The earliest manifestations are usually conduction system abnormalities, usually right bundle branch block and/or left anterior fascicular block.

Other early changes may include segmental left ventricular wall motion abnormalities.

Typical EKG findings in a patient with mild to moderate Chagas cardiomyopathy.

Typical EKG findings in a patient with mild to moderate Chagas cardiomyopathy. A larger version of this image with a detailed explanation is available on the next page. Photo courtesy Dr. Anis Rassi Jr.

Version: 1.1 Pub: Oct 2010 Rev: Aug 2012

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