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Chagas Disease: What U.S. Clinicians Need to Know

Phases and forms of Chagas disease

The natural history of Chagas disease is divided into two phases, acute and chronic. The acute phase lasts approximately 8 weeks, and usually causes mild or no symptoms.

Patients with chronic Chagas disease have lifelong infection in absence of treatment. Spontaneous cure is extremely rare.

These patients can be categorized as having one of two forms:

Most chronically infected persons remain asymptomatic for life. However, approximately 20% to 30% of T. cruzi-infected persons progress to clinical manifestations characteristic of Chagas disease (determinate forms) over the course of their lifetimes.

The most common clinical manifestation is heart disease, often referred to as Chagas cardiomyopathy.

Version: 1.1 Pub: Oct 2010 Rev: Aug 2012

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